Coffee Diary - Steam Wand is HOT

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 months ago


It’s been over six months since I started working at the café. It’s been fun but very hectic, so every time I try to write something for my blog, I end up complaining, so it was causing me to distance myself from posting. But always something pulls me back to start writing again. I saw @sabosuke writing his posts in the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community not too long ago. It looked fun and it made me feel like writing again. It was inspiring and encouraging. Thank you!

espresso machineeasy latte art

I’ve posted some photos of the café on Snaps before. I’ve been battling with this old espresso machine. I’ll share the Snaps post here. The machine is supposed to be able to brew three espressos at once, but the pressure differs for each one, so the espressos flavors end up inconsistent. We can only use two. It’d be great if we could use all three at once during busy times. We can serve much faster.

Anyway, here is my first drink of the day, an iced caramel latte. I had to open the café by myself today, so it was a bit hectic, but before customers arrived, I made one for myself while taste testing the espresso. I noticed that lots of people order vanilla syrup in their lattes, but I personally like caramel syrup better.

Here’s a cortado I made back in October. A cortado has less milk than a cappuccino, so you can really savor the concentrated flavor of the espresso. Again, adding a little caramel syrup makes the flavour smoother. If you look closely, the latte art on this isn’t very well done. I was struggling to steam milk back then.

Now, my second cup of the day! Cappuccino!
Lately, I’ve gotten better at steaming milk, so I can make heart shaped latte art pretty well. I was chatting with one of the baristas about this, saying how I can make cute heart shaped latte art most of the time now, but when it’s for myself or when I try to take a photo, it goes wrong, and then, disaster struck!

I spilled it!!! 😭

I did a pretty good job on this one but when I tried to place the cup on the saucer, my arm accidentally touched the tip of the steam wand, and made me jump. This café has some awkwardly cramped spaces, making it inefficient to work in. This is the third time this has happened to me. I really should learn my lesson, but seriously, can we move the machine to a better spot?!?!?!!!! Sorry I’m complaining again…

So, everyone, be careful please, the steam wand is very hot. Lol

Let’s hope this doesn’t happen again…See you next time!



少し前に@sabosukeさんがCinnamon Cup Coffeeのコミュニティに投稿されているのを見て、楽しそうだなぁ〜私も書いてみようかなぁ〜と。。。背中を押された気分です。ありがとうございます。









That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!




Oh that iced caramel latte makes me think i should grab one now😄Thanks for sharing😊

Hmmm…too bad I’m not working at the cafe today…I’m craving too…

I did grabbed an iced caramel that day and it satisfies me 😀 Have a nice day !!!

Have a nice day!


WOW! Thank you 😍

Nice coffee art and the coffee looks delicious.

Thank you so much!
I hope to get better at it, and someday I might be able to do swan latte art!😆

Those are beautiful latte arts, next time,be more careful to messing with your beautiful art lol.
This is beautiful

Thank you so much!