Hello everyone! How are you?
Today I want to tell you about an interesting experience I had at my friend Bertha's house. Normally, Mondays are work days for us, and this time was no exception. We were out and about for at least two hours, sorting out our errands, before going to her house to relax a bit.
When we arrived, she prepared a nice lemongrass tea with guava leaves and lemon. Why these ingredients? Because they have properties that help fight the flu, which motivated me a lot to try it, especially given how healthy I've been feeling lately.
It's been colder than usual in Maturín these days (at least, according to me). My acquaintances don't understand me when I tell them, since for them it's just hot most of the time.
But according to the news I've seen, the weather has been at least two degrees below normal. This difference doesn't seem like much. But I notice it 🥲, especially in the mornings.
The early mornings, these last few days, have been terrible. The cold wakes me up and I have to cover myself with more blankets, something that is not common in my city, which is well known for its heat, so much so that in other regions of Monagas, such as Caripe, Maturín is nicknamed "hell" by some people.
All this weather stuff, plus going out when it rains and other things, have contributed to me getting the flu. Currently, I am quite congested, and that is why I like teas with medicinal properties so much. The tea that Bertha prepared was a good help for my problem. By the way, its pretty yellow color is like that because of the citronella and lemon.
For us, tea is practically what coffee is for others. It's such an everyday thing that accompanying it with bread is perfectly normal (I say this in case it seems strange 😂). So, while we were sharing both things, we also chatted for a while about various topics.
Well, that's what happened, people. Thanks for reading and have a good time. 🍵
Translated with Google Translate
¡Hola a todos! ¿Qué tal?
Hoy quiero contarles una experiencia interesante que tuve en casa de mi amiga Bertha. Normalmente, los lunes son días de trabajo para nosotras, y esta vez no fue la excepción. Estuvimos en la calle durante al menos dos horas, resolviendo nuestros pendientes, antes de irnos a su casa para relajarnos un poco.
Al llegar ella preparó un agradable té de citronela con hojas de guayaba y limón. ¿Por qué estos ingredientes? Porque tienen propiedades que ayudan a combatir la gripe, lo cual me motivó mucho a probarlo, especialmente debido a cómo me sentido de salud últimamente.
En estos días, ha hecho más frío de lo normal en Maturín (al menos, según yo). Mis conocidos no me entienden cuando se los digo, ya que para ellos solo hace calor la mayor parte del tiempo.
Pero según las noticias que he visto, el clima ha estado al menos dos grados por debajo de lo normal. Esta diferencia no parece mucho. Pero yo la noto 🥲, especialmente por las mañanas.
La madrugada, en esto últimos días, ha sido terrible. El frío me despierta y tengo que arroparme con más cobijas, algo que no es común en mi cuidad, que es muy conocida por su calor, tanto que en otras regiones de Monagas, como Caripe, Maturín es apodada "el infierno" por algunas personas.
Todo esto del clima, más salir cuando hay lluvias y otras cosas, han contribuido a que me diera gripe. Actualmente, estoy bastante congestionada, y es por eso que me gustan tanto de los tés con propiedades medicinales. El té que preparó Bertha fue una buena ayuda para mi problema. Por cierto, su bonito color amarillo que es así debido a la citronela y el limón.
Para nosotras, el té prácticamente lo que para otros es el café. Es algo tan del día a día que acompañarlo con pan es perfectamente normal (lo digo por si parece raro 😂). Así que, mientras compartíamos de ambas cosas, también conversamos un rato de varios temas.
Bueno, y eso fue lo que pasó, gente. Gracias por leer y que la pasen bien. 🍵

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well! If there is one thing that helps, however, it's tea (and actual fresh citrus - try some orange juice?). And of course, sharing tea/coffee with loved ones :) also, maybe try a cup of coffee? I know it always picks me up when I'm not feeling well! Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks for your interest! Yes, in fact citrus is one of the best natural remedies for this. Thank you for your wishes. 😁 Thanks to you for stopping by and commenting.
That tea looks very good, I like all those drinks, I'm going to try it. Some cold is also arriving here. Thanks for sharing dear @dfreitesp. A big hug from Maracay.
Hello, dear @irvinc . It is a relief to be cold but it also has its drawbacks, no? Thank you very much for commenting. 😁
Hello there!
It's great to see you stop by. Here's a cup of tea and a muffin on the house.
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Have a Tea-some Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗
Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.
Gracias, eso trato de hacer. 😁
Saludos a Bertha! Espero te mejores pronto Danielita, una abrazo 🤗
Hola Fabi, gracias. 😁 Con gusto.