Coffee by Accident


Hello, friends especially foodies!

On Tuesday afternoon, after having our lunch in Surya Kencana street - Bogor (a city in West Java which famous as city of rain) still in the same street and the weather was not nice. Small rain before then suddenly it was raining hardly. Lucky for us we were at a small supermarket.


Double lucky that right inside of it, at the front door there was a small coffee stall so we could stay there and enjoy a glass of coffee.
Let's check out our experience!


The coffee stall named Point. Not big, it was located beside the bread glass showing case and also donuts. And also it had a fridge that sold some coffee in bottles. But i wanted fresh coffee so then i ordered.

Here was the coffee stall from near.



The menu that they sold included coffee menus like espresso/doppio, piccolo, long black/americano, flat white, cappuccino, latte, mocha, cafe dolce, caramel macchiato, palm sugar latte, almond latte, pistachio latte, shaken creamy latte and shaken blackpeach/lychee.

They also had some take away coffee in bottles with variant of cold brew like non sweet black, non sweet original, caramel, hazelnut, palm sugar; and espresso in old style coffee, original, caramel, hazelnut and palm sugar.


For frappe series they had matcha, chocolate, avocadofee, crunchy caramel, crunchy caramel, cookies and cream and mysterious green.

For tea they had black tea, earlgrey/chamomile, rose & roselle, peach/lychee/lemon, and java ginger.

For milk series they had matcha, signature chocolateand creamy matchachio.

For indonesian series they had loreng (marble) ice, pandan coffee and cendolita.

They also had refresher such as kiwi pandan, sunset and aurora.

After i ordered and paid then the barista made the coffee for me.


Lucky for us no one before us there, so we could sit there. No other tables there, they only had a small table with two chairs.


Here was the coffee that i ordered that day





Their avocado coffee frappe had avocado flavour because of the blend in it and also coffee with whipped cream on the top. It had medium sweetness flavour, right portion of sweetness. I could say that it was tasty, worthed to try and it was 30K IDR or not even 2 USD.

Well, we would come again when we would near the area in bogor, of course!

Business Information

Indomaret supermarket
291th, Surya Kencana street
West Java
Open daily 24 hours

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All of the pictures were taken with Samsung A52 5G android phone.

A bit about the author


Devy Leona

She works in a bank but she interests in CRAFT (CRaft, Art, Food and Travel). To pursue her art passion she does the cross stitch, embroidery, handsewing, crafts, crochet and also draws. Find hers in and Also find her cute collectibles pixel cat pictures here .


Point coffee is one of the best coffee in Indonesia. My favorite coffee from there are Kopi Pandan and Palm sugar latte. Anyway, enjoy your coffee.

Thanks. I had wanted to try their pandan coffee but i changed my mind. Next time i would try it...

 3 months ago  

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