Americano or Frappuccino?


Hello, friends especially foodies!

Last Saturday, I had an appointment with a person. While waiting, to kill the time, we went to the nearest Starbucks branch. The branch was located in front of Novotel hotel, Green Central City Apartment and also Candra Naya museum. It was almost 11 am, when we reached the branch.

From the outside, the Starbucks looked wide, quite large. And it had outdoor dining area.


That time, nobody was sitting on the outdoor area. It means nobody chose to sit outside at he moment, it may because of the hot weather.

Let's take a look inside.. Inside many customer were there. The dining area was quite large with many sofas. The interior color was brown, and it had wooden furniture too. The natural color brought warm ambience to us. The dining area was comfy and large. No wonder many came there to have some coffee and doing some chit chat.



Ok, when we entered the branch, we right away found the cashier table to order.


They had their menu on their top back.


For the beverages they had kind of Coffee and also Non Coffee Frappuccino, Non coffee drink like chocolate and others, also Espresso and kind of coffee. They also had "merrier together" seasonal drink with three choices of drink toffee nut crunch latte, salted pretzel cocoa oatmilk latte, and peppermint mocha. They had mood brewster drink like iced raspberry candy milk, caramel chocochip style frappuccino, iced dolce caramel on the rock americano, cream tea oatmilk frappuccino blended cream, and cold brew coffee with lemonade. For the food, they had 'feel the crunch' ovomaltine series like ovomaltine wassant bread, ovomaltine croissant twist, ovomaltine milk bun, ovomaltine cheesecake and ovomaltine cake pop.

They also had many choices of pastries that you could choose from their glass showing case. They had many kind of it from the sweet ones until the savory ones. Beside pastries, they also had cakes too.


Beside food and beverage there you could also choose the merchandise to buy and take home. Here were the merchandises they offered, like cups, bottles and also tumblers. Most of them were cute and they had many choices of models and also colors.


The cashier that also had a job as barista that served us that day. He was nice, to ask us choices of coffee we wanted for americano with some explanations of the difference. But a bit careless he almost forgot to give me back my debit card after i paid. Anyway with his assistance, for the starbucks member we got a free ovomaltine croissant twist with the minimum purchase of 100K IDR and also from 103K IDR it rounded off to 100K IDR... So we paid 100K IDR or around 6.3 USD for americano, frappuccino and a free croissant.


Now let me tell you what we had there one by one...



With the choice of Sumatran coffee, with low acidity and also low strengthness of coffee.Smelled sooo coffeey, it had authentic aromatic coffee. It tasted not strong, thin coffee with bitter flavour. Even when you put two sachets of sugar to it, it still tasted bitter. So for me, for sure americano is not my thing.




The frappuccino was milk based, non coffee one. It consisted of ingredients like chocolate, choco chip, mocha and ice blended together. It had whipped cream and chocolate sauce on the top. The taste of it was chocolaty but it was not too sweet so it was tasty.
So, of course i chose this frappuccino over the americano..

The free food menu



Their croissant had flaky crunchy soft texture with sweet flavour. It had ovomaltine on the top and overall just tasted so so.

Well, overall both of us quite satisfied with the beverage menu and also with the service there... We of course decided to go back again to Starbucks next time.

Business Information

Green Central City
188th Gajah Mada street
West Jakarta
Open daily 8 am - 10 pm

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All of the pictures were taken with Samsung A52 5G android phone.

A bit about the author


Devy Leona

She works in a bank but she interests in CRAFT (CRaft, Art, Food and Travel). To pursue her art passion she does the cross stitch, embroidery, handsewing, crafts, crochet and also draws. Find hers in and Also find her cute collectibles pixel cat pictures here .

 5 months ago  

Me, I'd do just about anything if there was a free chocolate croissant involved!

Sounds like oodles of coffeelicious fun!.png

Haha yes, thanks for passing by

 5 months ago  


beef soup
no seasoning

Looked so good, ge