in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 months ago

Greetings caffeine loving humans, how are you?

This start of the year, I’ve had the opportunity to visit several places in my homeland of Antioquia, Colombia.
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Today, I want to talk about coffee, one of my favorite products in my daily life. This time, we’re traveling to a little corner of Antioquia called La Herradura. There, I had the chance to learn a bit more about coffee from my country, thanks to a visit to a small coffee farm and believe me, I was amazed.

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Farmers in the area love this bean, but it’s a tough job because it involves many processes.
After the coffee cherries are picked from the plants, they need to be washed using machines like the one in the photos. There are different types of these machines, but this one is manual.

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Next, the beans must be sorted to ensure high-quality coffee. In the photos, you’ll see coffee beans with a light brown color this is what’s known as excellent quality coffee, which is then taken to the village to be sold. The current price of a load of coffee in Colombia is around 2,800,000 Colombian pesos, and a load equals 125 kilos.

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In the background of the photo what looks like a kind of house, is called a dryer and this is used for when there is a lot of winter the coffee dries and is preserved.

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Farmers typically transport these loads on horseback or, more recently, in vehicles known as chiveros or on these colorful buses, as shown in the photo.

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What you might not know is that the coffee shown in the photo is known as pasilla, which is the most commonly sold coffee across Colombia. This type of coffee is processed and branded but is of very low quality since it loses many of its properties. However, due to economic reasons or lack of knowledge, it’s widely consumed. After drying, this coffee is ground and sold.

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In the village, I also got to see the packaged coffee from the region, which is of very high quality. It’s delicious, although it can be expensive. Yes, good-quality coffee comes with a higher price tag, which is why it’s such a popular export. But after seeing the entire process involved, it’s worth it. If you want a great product that benefits your health and supports Colombian agriculture, it’s a no brainer.


When buying Colombian coffee, you should keep two things in mind:

  • If you’re in a village, you can buy regional coffee without hesitation.

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  • If you’re in a supermarket or outside the country, make sure the coffee has this seal (from the Colombian Coffee Federation). This seal guarantees that the coffee is 100% Colombian and that you’re supporting the country. Unfortunately, Colombia also imports coffee.



Coffee can be stored in a warm place for up to five months. This acts as a sort of holding period while waiting for coffee prices to rise or fall. Farmers told me they listen to the radio to keep track of coffee prices before deciding whether to sell. Prices are quoted on the stock exchange, and farmers can sell their coffee to the Coffee Federation in their village or to a coffee buyer.

This journey really helped me understand all the hard work that goes into making it possible for you and me to enjoy a good cup of coffee at our table. Remember: without farms, there are no cities.

Thank you so much for reading my post, and as I always say: learn something new, stay active, and pursue YOUR HAPPINESS.



Saludos humanos amantes de la cafeína como están...

Este inicio de año he tenido la oportunidad de visitar varios lugares de mi territorio de Antioquia en Colombia.
Y hoy quiero hablarles de café uno de mis productos favoritos en mi día a día; pero esta vez vamos a trasladarnos a un pedacito de Antioquia llamado la Herradura donde pude aprender un poco mas del café de mi país ya que visitamos una pequeña finca cafetera y créeme que me sorprendí.

Los campesinos de la zona aman este grano y es un trabajo muy duro ya que requiere muchos procesos.
Después de que se coge en café de las matas, este se debe lavar mediante esta maquina que les pongo en las fotos, hay varios tipos de ellas pero esta es manual.

Luego se debe escoger para poder tener un buen café ( granos ) . En las fotos vemos el café de color café claro jeje se conoce café de excelente calidad y es que se sube al pueblo donde lo compran. La carga esta en Colombia aproximadamente a 2.800.000 pesos Colombianos y una carga son 125 kilos.

En el fondo de la foto lo que parece una especie de casa, se llama un secador y este se usa para cuando hay mucho invierno el cafe se seque y se conserve.

Estos generalmente los suben en caballos o últimamente en carros que se les dice chiveros o en estas escaleras tal como se aprecia en esta arte.

Lo que no saben es que este café de la foto se conoce como pasilla y es que mas se vende en todo el territorio Colombiano, bueno este lo maquinan y le dan una marca. Este café es de muy baja calidad ya que pierde muchas propiedades. Pero quizás por la economía o por el desconocimiento de las personas se vende mucho.
Este después de su secado lo muelen y lo venden.

Ya en el pueblo pude ver ya maquetado y empaque de el café de la región de calidad muy buena. Es riquísimo aunque puede ser costoso, porque si señores un un buen café de buena calidad tiene un buen precio y por eso es que este se exporta tanto.
Pero al ver el proceso que lleva pues lo vale, si quieres llevarte un buen producto que le ayude a tu cuerpo y apoyar el campo Colombiano.

Cuando vallas a comprar café Colombiano debes de tener 2 cosas presentes: la primera si estas en un pueblo puedes comprar café de la región sin problema. Pero si estas en un supermercado o fuera del país asegúrate que tenga este sello ( este es de la federación colombiana lo que te da un plus de que ese café que compras es 100% colombiano y apoyas al país ). Porque acá tristemente también se importa café.

El café puede estar almacenado en un sitio cálido hasta 5 meses. Es como una especie de hold para ver cuando sube o baja el café ( ellos me dicen que escuchan por la radio el precio del café para ver si lo venden o no ) en su precio ya que este cotiza en la bolsa y los campesinos productores lo puedan vender en Federación de cafeteros de su pueblo o en una compradora de café.

La verdad este viaje me ayudo mucho a entender como funciona todo para tú y yo nos podamos tomar un buen café en nuestra mesa. Recuerda que sin campo no hay ciudad.
Muchas gracias por leer mi post y como siempre te digo: aprende algo nuevo, haz deporte y busca TU FELICIDAD.



To whom it may concern,is not investment advice.
Ethnocentric and joan fonts used .
Use of images from the mentioned project under my editing for photoshop and i.a. My native language is Spanish, I use Deepl translator. Thanks


I always find it very interesting to know the processes that the products we usually consume go through. Although it is not always possible... but you have been there and were able to access first-hand information. What beautiful landscapes. Coffee grows best in the mountains. Thank you for sharing, @davot.

The truth is that it is very beautiful there and the farmers are very friendly although shy for photos. One learns to value and give value to a product so insignia here in colombia. thanks for seeing my post.


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 2 months ago  

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

Untitled design-77.jpg

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

 2 months ago  

Despite it being a lot of effort to use a manual machine. I find this process fascinating.
I'll keep your recommendation just in case I ever find myself at that corner of the globe:)
O F F E E-3.jpg

Oh thank you so much my friend for stopping by my blog and learning a little bit about coffee.

Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/10) @davot tipped @nanixxx

It was a wonderful experience, without a doubt, very good information from the collection to the sale, I will be waiting for the stamp, I did not know it, thank you 🥰

It was a wonderful experience, without a doubt, very good information from the collection to the sale, I will be waiting for the stamp, I did not know it, thank you

If the seal is the only way to know if you are drinking a 100 Colombian coffee when you are out of the country, and if you go to the town, it is coffee from the region.

The tastiest coffee does not come from the big industries but from the most humble and beautiful, as it is the people themselves, the ancestral knowledge, that coffee must be very rich. Looking at your magnificent photos, we can already notice great learning!

It is true. Thank you very much for stopping by and I hope this post has helped you understand the process.

Have a nice day my friend

nice day