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RE: The Real Java Monsters...

You'll likely find this hard to believe but I don't have much to say other than....

How you described all four of us was pretty frikkin remarkable. I've been a lot busier lately than I've been in years. I haven't had a chance to check out the first two but it's nothing personal, I haven't had much time to consume OC period. <- Do you still need a grammatical dot (.) at the end of a sentence if the sentence ends with the word, "period?"

All I've been doing pretty much is engaging can you tell?

Of course keep writing it. I get blocked regularly. Dude like twice a week. I just can't formulate sentences sometimes and more than one story wants to write itself at the same time. "Writers block" or "dipshit block" which is probably more my tempo is Mornal to me. Salt time of writing, I'm such a mess I can't write one at a time. There's 18 opening paragraphs in my device right now and nothing to go with them.

I'm almost done.

I can't drink energy drinks. Not a Red Bull or those monsters or anything and I didn't capitalize Red Bull like that. I didn't do it that time, either, apparently iOS knows who the fuck they are and thinks they're important. Where was I going with this?

Oh yeah, energy drinks. Dude them things put me to sleep. They're like PM pills, it's weird. I've only drank probably two monsters in my life, both times I needed a nap just so I couldn't finish them.

I'm done now.


Great comment. Add a few giphys and you got me matched.

The energy drinks seem to give me quick energy. Lasts a short period

<---- No (.)


Then always the big crash, (nap time) and sometimes a cramp like pain. It says do not drink if pregnant. Maybe it is labor cramps... Or an oncoming (.)

But it gets me up and moving, so that is why I drink them occasionally. Never daily. Water and lactate milk. No not breast milk... Lactaid.

way less farty.

I know... TMI.

Thanks for the advice. Sounds like many of the issues cross over. But it just makes being this wacky even cooler knowing your a Fucking Nut Bag too..!



I know... TMI.

Not at all it's cool. Breast milk.... Uhm, farts.. yeah I got nothin dude (period)