Coffee has accompanied me throughout my life☕⏳🍃 ENG | ESP

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee7 months ago (edited)

Hello coffee lovers greetings from Venezuela, life leads us to reflect on our experiences today I did and I found it lovely to share these thoughts with you while having a coffee.

So if you don't have your cup of café☕️ in hand, prepare it while you read or listen to this post😊.



Coffee has accompanied me throughout my life, because every Venezuelan family the first thing they do when they wake up is to prepare coffee, I am more than sure that everyone in the community already realized that we are from a culture of coffee lovers.

We could say that we are cafeinomanos ...hehehehehehe. Everything is a little coffee at dawn, another one in the middle of the morning to wake us up, another one in the middle of the afternoon, you know... so as not to lose the habit, this one usually with a conversation and others like me, those who are not afraid of life...hahahahaha... even at night we have our cup of coffee.

I really love being Venezuelan, our culture is really wonderful and more because all day long there is coffee....

Coffee has accompanied me throughout my life.

As a child when I woke up I felt that aroma of coffee, it was my grandmother who every day from very early in the morning was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the whole family with so much love, while she was doing it she was taking her first coffee of the day.

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In my house we keep this tradition every morning when we wake up the first thing we do is to put water in the kitchen for the coffee and that is something very Venezuelan.

My life partner @arrozymangophoto has been passionate about coffee for a few years now, but coffee is not really rooted in his family culture, since he was born in Venezuela, but his mother was Argentinean and his father Chilean, so at home he used to drink mate before coffee and teas.

He is now in love with coffee, which made me see even more how lucky I am because of my memories and experiences where I think coffee was already in my genetics, and making coffee part of our life projects makes us more than happy.

On the other hand, for Venezuelan families coffee is something essential for our lives, not drinking coffee during the day can mean headaches and even tiredness. In fact, when someone in my country says they have a headache, it is very common for us to ask them: “Do I drink coffee?


Yes, coffee is a remedy for headaches, if a friend is worried you can invite him to have coffee, if you love a person you invite him coffee, if you are a good conversationalist there is also coffee, even at wakes there is coffee. Coffee accompanies us from the moment we are born until the moment we say goodbye to our loved ones.

Enjoying coffee is something so daily and essential for us as a culture, from having a coffee alone to a coffee to share, but in a Venezuelan's home there is always coffee and if there is not, it is a tragedy.

That's why I wish that at home you always have coffee 😊☕.

See you later Hive Lovers 💜

ESP version (click here)

El café me ha acompañado a lo largo de mi vida☕⏳🍃.

Hola amantes de cafe saludos desde Venezuela, la vida nos lleva a reflexionar sobre nuestras vivencias hoy lo hice y me parecio encantador poder compartir estos pensamientos con ustedes mientras tomanos un café.

Asi que si no lo tienes en mano tu taza de café☕️, preparálo mientras lees o escuchas este post😊


El café me ha acompañado a lo largo de mi vida, pues toda familia Venezolana lo primero que hace al despertar es preparar café estoy mas que seguro que todos en la comunidad ya se dieron cuenta de que somos de un cultura de amantes del cafe.

Podriamos decir que cafeinomanos ...jejejeje . Todo es un cafecito al amanecer, otro a mitad de mañana para espabilarnos, otro a mitad de la tarde, tu sabes... para no perder la costumbre , este normalmente con una conversa y otros como yo, los que no le tenemos miedo ala vida..jajajja.. hasta en la noche nos empinamos nuestra taza de cafe.

Realmente amo ser Venezolana , nuestra cultura es realmente un maravilla y mas porque todo el día hay cafe...

El café me ha acompañado a lo largo de mi vida.

De niña al despertar sentía ese aroma del café , era mi abuela que cada día desde muy temprano estaba en la cocina preparando los desayunos de toda la familia con tanto amor, mientras lo hacia ella se iba tomando su primer café del día.

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-27 at 9.47.00 PM.jpeg

En mi casa se mantienen está tradición cada mañana al despertar lo primero que se hace es montar en agua en la cocina para el cafe y eso es algo muy venezolano.

Mi compañero de vida @arrozymangophoto es desde hace unos años todo un apasionado del café, pero realmente el café no está tan arraigo en su cultural familiar, ya que el nacío en Venezuela, pero su madre eran argentina y su padre chileno, por lo que en su casa iba tomar mate antes de cafe y tés.

El ahora el esta enamorado del café que me hizo ver aun mas lo afortunada que soy por mis recuerdos y vivencias donde el cafe creo ya incluso venia en mi genetica, y hacer de el Café parte de nuestros proyectos de vida nos tiene mas que felices.

En cambio para las familias venezolanas el cafe es algo es algo esencial para nuestras vidas, no tomar cafe en el día puede significar, dolor de cabeza e incluso cansancio. De hecho cuando alguien dice en mi país que tiene dolor de cabeza es muy común que le preguntemos; "ya tomo café?".


Si el cafe, es un remedio para el dolor de cabeza , sin un amigo esta preocupado lo puedes invitar a tomar cafe ,si quieres a una persona le invitas cafe , si eres de buena conversación tambien hay cafe , incluso hasta en los velorios esta el cafe. Es que desde que nacemos nos acompaña el cafe hasta el momento en que nos despiden nuestros seres queridos.

Disfrutar del cafe es algo tan cotidianos y esencial para nosotros como cultura desde tomarse un cafe a solas hasta un cafe para compartir pero en casa de Venezolano siempre hay cafe y si no lo hay es una tragedia.

Así que deseo que en tu casa siempre tengas café 😊☕.

Hasta la proxima Hive Lovers 💜

Carmen Victoria Turmero

I am audiovisual producer, nature lover, creator of the Ecovillage and Community Vida Verde , passionate about travel and architecture.IMG_20220703_235639.jpg


Coffee makes our day somethingg special. Just like my mom, when we were young, she always had her coffee drink with her early in the morning while she gave us milk. And it became a habit even when we grow older to have our morning drink before getting to work.

 7 months ago  

This resonated a great deal for me as coffee has always been a big part of my household and family, too! I think that matters a lot. We build traditions off our family and what a perfect tradition a cup of coffee in the morning is. Gonna go make mine now :)

Hi @honeydue how lovely that you connected with this post and your family culture. No doubt keeping family traditions is important!!!Hope you are enjoying this good coffee ☕ . Greetings from Venezuela to Romania 😊.

 7 months ago  

Is there anything coffee won't help with? ;)

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Hehehehehehe...Coffee ☕ ideal potion for life!!!! 😀😌😊☕.