Among so many responsibilities of each day it is necessary to take time to drink coffee, for me it is a total escape and a moment of calm.
Coffee is a small stimulus among so many things I have to do during the day, there are moments that are not the best, those that I feel that I am above my possibilities.
So a cup of coffee is a stimulus that makes me remember that life is really worthwhile, to relax, to think, to take that time for me is wonderful, even if it is not for a long time.
Every time I am full of work or I am overthinking there I go for my cup of coffee, maybe I am weird, but I really am a fan of coffee, from very early in the morning it is prepared at home and then in the afternoon.
Taking each sip of my coffee indicates me an important pause, to continue, to make a decision, even to inspire me, it is a time of escape.
I don't know why I find so much freedom in a cup of coffee, I forget for a while my obligations in life, while I drink my perfect negrito.
Time for me is a blessing that life gives us, but that we often do not know how to take advantage of very well, for me my coffee time is a luxury.
Giving myself time for me is necessary and what more than to accompany it with a delicious coffee and everything that is involved in the moment, life is flavor, color and smell and in that coffee is simply the best.
This week my coffee time is dedicated to my life passion.... To educate...
tiempo de café
Entre tantas responsabilidades de cada día es necesario tomar un tiempo para tomar café, para mí es un escape total y un momento de calma.
El cafe es un pequeño estímulo entre tantas cosas que debo hacer en el día, hay momentos que no son los mejores, esos que siento que estoy por encima de mis posibilidades.
Así que una taza de café es un estímulo que me hacen recordar que la vida realmente vale la pena, relajarme, pensar, tomar ese tiempo para mí es maravilloso, aunque no sea por largo rato.
Cada vez que estoy full trabajo o estoy sobrepensando hay voy por mi taza de café, quizás soy rara, pero realmente soy fans del café, desde muy temprano se prepara en casa y luego por la tarde.
Tomar cada sorbo de mi café me indica una pausa importante, para seguir, para tomar una decisión, incluso para inspirarme, es un tiempo de escape.
No sé porque encuentro tanta libertad en una taza de café, olvidó por un rato mis obligaciones de la vida, mientras me tomo mi negrito perfecto.
El tiempo para mí es una bendición que la vida nos regala, pero que nosotros muchas veces no sabemos aprovechar muy bien, para mí es un lujo mi tiempo de café.
Darme tiempo para mí es necesario y que más que acompañarlo con un delicioso café y todo lo que esté involucre en el momento, la vida es sabor, color y olor y en ese el café sencillamente es el mejor.
Está semana mi tiempo de café está dedicado a mi pasión de vida... Educar..
Photographs of my authorship taken with my Samsung A10 camera phone edition with the Griart.
Hey there!
Thanks for stopping by:)
The image belongs to millycf1976.
Moments for meditation, reflection and contemplation must be taken regularly to maintain a balance in our mind and to face with strength the challenges that life presents to us every day. You have a beautiful cup there, without a doubt your favorite to enjoy your coffee.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕
Good day.
I believe that when you give yourself space and put it together with a good cup of coffee you are thinking about what is most important. What you like and what surrounds you. The interesting thing is that you connect with your inner self and start to reflect.