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You are a social media influencer. A company that makes mushroom-based coffee approaches you, and offers you a nice wad of cash to promote their brew as “The only coffee you drink.” What thoughts go through your head; do you accept the offer?
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A big fat no!
In all honesty, their coffee might be good...might even be excellent! It's innovative which I'd appreciate. But no way in hell I'm going to fraud my own community (yes, I consider every coffee lover a part of my community) by straight-out lying and saying that's the only coffee I drink.
I'd of course be open to trying out their brand of coffee and give them some honest feedbacks.
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A very level and loyal response :)
Hi, nice to meet you... new here. It seems that many of us think the same hahaha but notice that more than one would sell for a wad of cash, that's why there are so many youtube channels that sell misleading products ...
Anyway, a coffee with mushroom I think it would be difficult to sell hahaha.
That's all one has to do, be honest, most of us have been unfaithful with our favorite coffee brands, plus people won't believe it, it's like a very bad joke 😂.
Haha exactly 😂 We all have ventured out of the path once or twice 😂
Good on ya! I'd be more committed to "the Coffee community" as a whole, and could not sell my soul just to make a few dollars. I think that for a social influencer to have any credibility, there should be a level of trust and transparency to make people believe in their word.
Exactly my thoughts! But unfortunately we do see so many social media influencers these days being blatantly sold out it feels so cringe!
I agree with you, we cannot sell our judgment no matter how tempting the offer may be. It is your reputation that is at stake. 😊👍🏼 I would do the same.
Drawing and image of my property @chacald.dcymt
I think so too, although I would like to try the product and learn more about it before making a decision. My grandmother always taught me not to make quick decisions without seeing all sides of the issue.
That's a good point...but I can't risk leading all my followers through a drink I barely know...it would be dishonest...and if the mushrooms make us hallucinate 🫢.
If it's hallucinogenic mushrooms, well, long live the party! 🤣
I agree, reputation is everything in my opinion when it comes to having a meaningful social media presence.
Hi, nice to meet you. First time that I participate in the community and I thought it was a good idea to start here... interacting a little bit with the comments of the other members...
With respect to what you are asking, I am not usually a one thing taster and I would hardly try a single coffee, since there are so many types of coffee that can be enjoyed. However, you have to have the wad of bills in front of you to know if you would sell yourself or not, because nowadays many incluencers sell themselves for certain types of items.
Today for today, I would not accept that offer hahaha I would be being dishonest with a hypothetical audience about my coffee consumption. What I would accept is to try it, as long as it doesn't have any type of chemical/substance/whatever, that could alter my capabilities. An honest review on a social media channel is always great.
It's not cool to say it's the only thing I consume so I would turn that down, but yes I would be willing to negotiate... hahaha.
When I thought about the offer, a corpotarive image of this coffee came to mind haha... check it out.
Very interesting, you can negotiate but set your rules. Good thing you don't sell yourself or your image. But you should try the coffee with mushrooms to see how it goes 🤭.... I really liked the drawing of the mushroom coffee brand. Welcome to the coffee lovers club!
Drawing and image of my property @chacald.dcymt
you may be able to drink any type of coffee "on the sly" just remember to tell your audience that you love mushroom coffee so much that it's your everyday coffee. 😂😅
Sounds like a nightmare to me, I wouldn't try that even if my favorite influencer said so.
Hahahaha yes, for the wad of bills I could try other coffees on the sly... but imagine me suggesting that coffee only and at the bottom of my setup, in case I'm a streamer, I have a bag of another coffee hahahaha
It's true! Sustaining a lie takes a lot of effort. Tasting any kind of coffee from anywhere is worth more than a wad of cash. 😉
Sounds like you have the right minset, and responsible approach to it all.
Nice one.
It's nice of you to join the conversation 🤗
Nice logo! I think they would be open to negotiating with you, it seems you have a solid response in place. Awesome to see a new face in the coffee conversation! 😁
Honestly, if someone says they only drink one type of coffee I wouldn't believe them, and coming from an influencer much less, since they are always lying for publicity, but you are right, one should make their deals on their terms, where you feel comfortable and that there is an agreement in equal parts.
The first thing that comes to my mind is: What kind of mushrooms are they? And if they are hallucinogenic? I would be sending all my followers straight into addiction for a strange beverage.
I think that the most important thing in a person's life, which forms his character and gives him personality, is to defend his own criteria to the hilt. To accept such an offer would be to sell my dignity and reputation. Considering that I always promote a good, pure and quality coffee, of course I would say no, without first tasting it and making sure that it is a quality coffee and that it is a safe beverage for me and all my followers.
Drawing and image of my property @chacald.dcymt
I would be sceptical at the sound of that coffee alone.
Yes, that would be my first question, and I think anyone of sound mind would ask that too:)
We don't want to offer an adulterated coffee that will blow coffee lovers away 🤭. We'd better make sure it's safe
Drawing and image of my property @chacald.dcymt
You know that sometimes people don't care about addiction hahaha... if they fall into the clutches of a coffee with hallucinogenic mushrooms they will continue drinking that coffee....
Take care of your audience hahaha
Hahaha we all left the place seeing colorful mushrooms flying around
Well, if they are hallucinogenic, then you may not be sure if it is the only coffee you drink anymore. 🤣 I really love the integrity in your response, and your beautiful drawing! 😍 There isn't enough cash in the world for me to say there is something better than coffee! 💚
Thank you very much ☺️. I give you another drawing of mushrooms and coffee (without hallucinogens 🤭).
Well, it would be like selling legal marijuana, only with coffee ☕ the seller or company should be honest about the ingredients of their product, otherwise, they will get in a lot of trouble. If it has very strong hallucinogenic effects, I would definitely not drink it, on the other hand if they are as mild as marijuana, it would be a good way to concentrate and expand creativity.
You are right ☺️👍🏼... Everything in its place and honesty comes first.
Hello dear friends coffee lovers, I start again my activities in Hive after a few weeks in which I was absent, due to the treatment I had on my eyes and while I was adapting to wearing glasses.
Today's topic of conversation is very interesting, especially because for me, it is a real possibility, which may happen at some point in the future when my 3speak videos become famous talking about coffee.
I won't lie to you, the possibility of having a large amount of money in my hands sounds tempting because that would help me to pay for many of the things that are difficult in my life, even help me to pay for school which in my country is quite expensive.
But before making a decision to advertise an unknown product, the first thing I would do would be to have all the information about what its real ingredients are and how much coffee is in the product.
Then I would try it in many ways for some time, only if its taste and quality convince me would I agree to advertise it.
I believe that every person who makes video reviews has a responsibility to his audience to always tell the truth.
I would never lend myself to say that a product is good if it is terrible, that would be dishonest, even if I was paid a lot of money to do it, I would not do it.
What people think of me as a lover of good coffee, for me is much more important than money, I would never think of deceiving people by selling them a product made of burnt mushrooms that imitates coffee if it is not a real coffee and does not have its good aroma and quality.
I hope you share my motives, see you soon.
Hey there!
I hope you're getting the hang of your new glasses. It took me a while to get used to wearing glasses in my early 20s. I eventually gave up on them, and I'm not sure if that caused more damage or not, but eventually went back to wearing them because I had no choice.
I understand that the money would be tempting for you as a blocker. However, it's great that you would take the sensible approach and ensure that the mushroom-based coffee was of good quality. In the end, it could all backfire on you if that was not the case.
Thanks for joining today, and be sure to check the other prompts that are pinned in the community:)
Hello dear friend, here I am adjusting to wearing the glasses, although they still make me a little dizzy. You are so right about the mushroom coffee, I think a bad decision could affect a person's credibility forever, and that is something that many famous people in the media don't take into account these days.
It may take a while for the dizziness to go, but I would recommend that you check your iron, Vit B12, and Vit D levels if possible also.
Oh yes they already did in the blood tests when I was evaluated by the doctor, I am taking some vitamins called Centrum to give me more energy.
Ok, that's a well-known multi-vitamins, which should give positive results 👍
I hope you get used to your new glasses.
It was good to know that you are going to approve the mushroom and coffee drink first to make sure of the quality and be able to recommend it. Best regards and here's to coffee ☕.
I hope you are feeling better adjusted! My daughter got glasses a few months back, and she said that her head hurt a lot while she got used to them. Your frames fit your face very nicely though, great pick :)
I also enjoyed how carefully you looked at each detail here, a very nice assessment. It is important not to look so close at the short-term perks, that we forget the long-term repercussions to our reputation! Smart thinking 😁
Congrats on your new glasses, hope they are settling in better.
One should always be honest, especially if you are an influencer, many people will believe you and others will take advantage to send you hate. It is a double-edged sword, for a wad of cash it is possible to lower your reputation or maybe make you better known. I think that researching the product and being honest with people is the most sensible thing to do, and lying just for money makes you look very bad.
I discovered that I have Trypophobia when I saw a bunch of mushrooms stuck together in my yard. I took several pictures at that time and those images came to mind when I read the mushroom based coffee offer.
I definitely don't like it!!! Maybe next year when they include another flavor or another ingredient to base it on 😅
Sorry, it's not only about being dishonest with my community, but also with myself!🤢
The photo is mine. I uploaded it in a publication three years ago.
Social Media and Influencers are powerful, not necessarily in a positive way. Your feelings are understood, and I would be skeptical about trying a mushroom-based coffee:)
I'm sure there are currently many people claiming to drink only mushroom coffee for the money. Who to trust? 😧
Hi, that disease has become quite common these days, I have a friend who can't see dots and circles together because she almost vomits. As for the mushroom coffee, it doesn't sound like a good idea, but I'd still like to try it and see if it's worth advertising it, although I really think there is no substitute for the original coffee with its aroma and taste.
I would try it if they don't tell me what it is, once I know, it will be impossible to take a sip.😅
You are right, your opinion, tastes and dignity are not for sale. ☺️👍🏼☕
Yikes, what a big feeling to have attached to this concept! I can 100% see a good basis to just leave that offer on read and move on in your case tbh! Nothing to consider 😬
Yes, I would excuse myself with that. But I would also tell them to please do not stop considering me in the world of coffee marketing, there is a type of coffee that I would drink every day and it is vanilla, or chocolate flavored, hopefully they will take it into account for the next one :) Besides the money if I'm going to be their image I want free coffee for the whole year. 😎😅
🙌 Eyes on the prize! 😍 I could definitely shill vanilla coffee, happily. If you ever get that gig, let me know if they need a second person! 😂
My niece also suffers from trypophobia, she gets disgusted when she sees dots and things like that. Seeing this picture of the mushrooms with the coffee makes me think that you can't risk your mental health for money.
Coffee with mushrooms? Doesn't sound like a good idea, although I would like to try it and see what it's like. Of course, not everyone has the same tastes, maybe for many people it sucks and for others it's the best thing they've ever tasted. Anyway, as an influencer you will always have haters no matter what you do.
I would take the risk, but I would make it clear that I will only tell the truth and only the truth, I will not cheat my followers for a wad of cash, if I think it's good or bad, I will say so.
Well said! Try it but be honest when recommending the product... I like you I want to follow you so that when you become an influencer you will remember that I was following you before.
Excellent! I already have my first follower, I promise to be honest, committed, and.... no wait, that's when you get into politics 😂.
Sounds like a possible intoxication and stomach ache to me, I don't know if I would be brave enough to even consider trying it, my curiosity has a limit and I found it here.
Yes, it's quite complicated to sell something like this, no matter how much you want to. Mushrooms and coffee is a crazy idea and not at all attractive. As an influencer, you would earn a lot of hate.
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