Morning coffee and dreaming about Lisbon

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee11 months ago (edited)

Today is such a sad, gloomy day in Montreal! Raining, no sunlight in sight. Not even a ray of sunshine trying to peak through the clouds. I'm having my morning cup of happiness and delight, and revisiting my time in Portugal. To think that just last week I was in Lisbon, enjoying the most glorious weather, working on my tan...Well, to be fair, I only burned a little - no tan in sight 😅 But still, returning home to reality after such a pleasant, carefree vacation is rough.

There are a few things I like to do when visiting a country. One of them being trying the coffee ☕️
Now with Portugal, I did some research prior to arriving on everything but coffee so I was more or less clueless as to what I should try. On top of that, the AirBnB had a Nespresso machine so that saved me some time in the morning that was used on sunrise photoshoots...Or sleeping in till 8am on some days 😁
However, on one fateful day, as my high school buddy @dontcare89 and I were enjoying a rather flat surface walk (they do exist in Lisbon, I swear!), we noticed a Nespresso store.

This is when I had the greatest idea of all - bring a little piece of Lisbon to my mom for her Vertuo 😁 So she can wake up each day, have a sip of coffee and pretend she's enjoying a stroll in beautiful Portugal. If you've been to a Nespresso store, you know that they decorate at least one wall with their capsules.

The wall in this specific Nespresso store looked like a fancy Tetris game to me. All these capsules on the walls were the smaller ones, for their original machines. The lovely girl who served us also let us try their Lisbon Bica capsule, which she presented to us as an authentic representation of Lisbon's espresso (called "bica" in Portuguese). Not only was it intense, but it also had a very rich but delightful taste which felt like a gentle touch of sunshine on a busy street in Lisbon. We absolutely enjoyed every sip of it. So much so that by the time the coffee was finished, I was thinking of purchasing a Nespresso machine. Too bad I only brought my carry on.

In the end, I found what I was looking for - got my momma some Uganda and Joyeux capsules, neither of which she could find in Canada so my mission was a success! 💪🏼 Even more so because @dontcare89 and I were also able to indulge in a symphony of flavours, which gave us strength and the much needed push to continue our Lisbon walking adventure...And, trust me, we needed it!

Thank you for stopping by and have a delicious, flavourful rest of the week! ✨

 11 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by!-2.jpg

 11 months ago  

What a fun way to bring a souvenir back home- I feel that coffee is one of the best ways to capture the essence of a place! Thanks for sharing ☕️

I absolutely agree! It was a much treasured gift too as my mom is just as obsessed with coffee as I am 😁 Thank you for your comment 💕

What beautiful photos of a place, a landscape that inspires tranquility and peace. I imagine that life passes slowly and in a state of relaxation and meditation.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Happy Tuesday.

and in a state of relaxation and meditation.

No time for relaxation or meditation, unfortunately. We were running up the hills as Kate Bush sings in her song 🤣 But the views were worth all the rushing!

Thank you and happy Tuesday as well! 😊