Hello friend, what a special place. I'm afraid of bees, I know they are necessary for the planet but I'm afraid of them, I still liked the decoration of the site. Where is it?
Hello friend, what a special place. I'm afraid of bees, I know they are necessary for the planet but I'm afraid of them, I still liked the decoration of the site. Where is it?
Hello my friend, I am not afraid of them, I am afraid of wasps, I don't like them.
They say that when the last bee becomes extinct, the extinction of man will begin.
I apologize for not giving so many details, I made the publication because I am sick with fever and cough I have the virus.
It is behind the opera. @beysyd
Well, wasps also scare me, as well as any flying insect that can sting me 😨.
I haven't seen the place, but when I pass by I'll keep an eye out.
I hope you get better soon, it seems that virus is hitting very hard. Take care of yourself.