Hello! Interesting story that you share with us. At one time I remember writing a post where I recognized the importance of the origin of each coffee shop to expose as you have done, I congratulate you. Unfortunately here in Venezuela many open stores but without a history to back them up. At least that has been my experience when I have asked.
It is incongruous the theme of the coffee shop and on the other hand the shocking message of the leather industry. I am a lover and defender of nature, therefore, I do not share the company's philosophy either. Thank you for sharing your excellent post. Regards.
Hola! Interesante la historia que nos compartes. En una oportunidad recuerdo haber escrito un post donde reconocí la importancia del origen de cada cafetería para exponer así como lo has hecho tú, te felicito. Lamentablemente aquí en Venezuela muchos abren locales pero sin una historia que los respalde. Al menos esa ha sido mi experiencia cuando he preguntado.
Es incongruente el tema de la cafetería y por otro lado el mensaje impactante de la industria del cuero. Soy amante y defensora de la naturaleza por ende, tampoco comparto la filosofía de la empresa. Gracias por compartir tu excelente post. Saludos.
That's right, new businesses could specialize a bit more, depending on the ground they want to cover, and offer the public a more powerful reason to support their venture. But hey, even though as consumers we are the ones in charge of setting the demand, the stores also decide how casual they prefer to be haha.
Thanks for taking into account the social and sustainability aspect raised in this review, I think it's very important to highlight it, so I appreciate your empathy in this regard.