It was eight o'clock in the morning when someone suddenly knocked on my door. I realized it was my mother-in-law, so I quickly ran to the door to let her in. My mother-in-law has Alzheimer's problems and to let her go is to risk taking another route without anyone noticing and getting lost.
While I let her in I have water on the stove on the stove to brew coffee. My mother-in-law was struck by the smell even though she hadn't brewed yet, according to her it smelled good, like coffee, she said. She probably wanted to drink at least one cup. She likes clear coffee with some sugar, bitter coffee is not tolerated.
It is curious how coffee is part of her historical memory and it seems that the more she tastes it, the more memories come to a memory that lives in oblivion.
My mother-in-law's illness is very advanced, so much so that she is not even capable of repeating the name of a simple object. This is when I ask myself, how is it that while drinking coffee she remembers so many things? Sometimes, she even makes us doubt whether she has the sad disease of Alzheimer's or not.

But yes, if it is present in her. The truth of the matter is that a cup of coffee for her, although it is not recommended, is to have her apparently lucid for a good while. My husband is happy to hear his mother's stories. He can attest to many of these anecdotes that remind him of his childhood.
Coffee has been so special in my mother-in-law's life that I come to believe that there is no life story without the presence of this delicious beverage. It was worth having her home early in the morning to realize how much this beverage can make you happy for a moment.
Eran las ocho de la mañana cuando alguien repentinamente toca a mi puerta. Me di cuenta que era mi suegra, corro rápido hasta la puerta para hacerla pasar. Mi suegra tienes problemas de Alzheimer y dejarla ir es arriesgarse a tome otra ruta sin que nadie se de cuenta y extraviarse. Mientras la hice pasar tengo en la hornilla de la cocina, agua para colar café. A mi suegra le pegó el olor aunque aún no había colado, según ella olía rico, a café dijo. Seguramente tenía ganas de tomar al menos una taza. A ella le gusta el café claro y con algo de azúcar, el café amargo no lo tolera. Es curioso cómo el café forma parte de su memoria histórica y pareciera que mientras lo prueba, más recuerdos llegan a una memoria que vive en el olvido.La enfermedad en mi suegra está muy avanzada, tanto, que no es capaz ta siquiera de repetir el nombre de un simple objeto. Es aquí cuando me pregunto, ¿cómo es que mientras toma café recuerda tantas cosas? A veces, hasta nos hace dudar de si tiene o no la triste enfermedad del Alzheimer. Pero sí, si está presente en ella. Lo cierto de todo es que una taza de café para ella, aunque no se lo recomiendan mucho, es tenerla aparentemente lúcida por un buen rato. Mi esposo se pone feliz al escuchar las historias de su madre. Él puede certificar muchas de esas anécdotas que le recuerdan a su vez, su niñez. El café, ha sido tan especial en la vida de mi suegra que paso a creer que no hay historia de vida sin que esta deliciosos bebida esté presente. Valió la pena tenerla este día en casa desde bien temprano para darnos cuenta de lo mucho que esta bebida puede hacerlos feliz por un momento.
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By @ylich
I'm shy to say I fall in this category 🫣.
I don't like the bitter stuff. I like it sugary, not too much though
There is definitely something surprising about our senses. Scents bring nostalgia and it helps us reconnect to our subconscious. Peace and blessings to your mother-in-law.
Amen! Thank you ☺