Angels and Omens in my Coffee Cup

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago (edited)

Life is unpredictable
It changes with the seasons.
Even your coldest winter
Happens for the best of reasons.
And though it feels eternal,
Like all you'll ever do is freeze,
I promise spring is coming
And with it, brand new leaves

Erin Hanson

A week ago my sister and I went out to town to get some supplies and run some errands. It was a busy day and towards the end we decided we would go grab a cup of coffee and unwind.

We had walked a lot that morning and with my swollen and sore feet pleading for reprieve, it was a welcome idea. She had recently discovered this little gem of a coffee shop not far from the cottage and she just knew Lory and I would love it.

Why? She knows me well. We may have been separated for 25 years, but it's as if no time has passed - it feels amazingly good to have a real big sister in my life.

I love good coffee and she knows that. Throw in a large kiddies play area with a treehouse and bunnies running around? What could be better? I read a few posts in the last few months about regular coffee hangouts that people frequent. It always left me feeling a bit sad as I've never had a coffee spot like that to call my own. I think she found mine for me!

Not only because I'll probably end up doing a lot of work from there while Lory has a blast playing with her new friends, but also because we had a really mind blowing experience here last week that left a lasting impression on both of us and will be marked in our lives for our remaining days.


We sat down at The Village Café and of course ordered two coffees - one decaf and one non. Ok I fess up - the decaf should have been for the very pregnant me, but it wasn't. We indulged in sugar, ordering a chocolate turkish delight brownie, ice cream and chocolate sauce.

Life is short, eat the cake!

I just felt instantly at home there. It was such beautiful weather and it had been a good day - a happy day.

Lory was gleefully playing with a handful of other kiddos and a lady who stays there that does arts and crafts with the children who arrive. Of course Lory was in her element and drew a round of applause from me when she proudly climbed up into the tree house and declared she was on top of the world.

We chatted about all sorts of things while keeping an eye out for the bunnies that run around here freely. Brown ones and black ones, big ones and baby ones. Lory even tried to befriend a teeny tiny one with an apple. She got really close to it too before it scampered off and she turned to us with a beaming grin on her face.

When our coffee delights arrived, my smile widened and my heart brightened seeing the beautiful face displayed in my coffee cup. She looked familiar. She felt familiar. She felt warm and loving. My mom came to say hi and let me know she was around.

Angels and Omens.jpg

You see, that night, 20 minutes after I fell asleep, I rolled over.

And my water broke...

1:32am I texted my person "My water just broke" and the reply "Oh fuck!" made me laugh. Then I went and told my sister upstairs.
I believe that our mom was there with us. I hadn't started contracting yet, so we had a cup of coffee together while we got things ready for the trip to the hospital. I wanted to labour at home as long as possible.

I was calm and in good spirits. Spoke to my love on the phone and we had a few laughs together practicing staying calm. It was a special moment.

Six hours later and it was all over. Born at 7:37am was a 3,63kg healthy baby boy. He is now with his new family and thriving. I was discharged the same day and am recovering.

Life's funny that way isn't it? How you can find deep connection, bonding, warmth and love with people in moments like these - defining moments of your life. My favourite people both living and beyond were surrounding me with love, warmth, support and care - shared through coffee, laughter and labour.

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nice story and lovely coffee. I agree, live is funny and unpredictable hehe

Thanks Kakilasak

It is so true, it tend to remind us from time to time in strange ways.

Have a good day

 3 years ago  

Hello Andrastia, your story is so heart-warming.🤗
I'm thrilled to hear that you've reconnected with your sister💚 which I'm sure has brought some positivity to your life.
The Village Café looks like an amazing spot for the entire family, and Lory sure looks like she had fun:)
Congratulations on a safe delivery💐
Great to see you here, have a lovely weekend!:)

Hi Milly. Thank you so much for writing, I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it. I knew when I first got to the Village Café that it was going to find its way into Cinnamon Cup Coffee community.

Lory and I will no doubt be spending time there and I foresee many Hive posts coming to life from that little spot.

My sister has been really quite amazing to me and having her back in my life has been so healing for both of us. I am exceptionally grateful to have her back in my life.

Thank you so much for the congrats Milly 💕 I hope you & Cam are well and Badger is still treating you both to wonderful adventures.

 3 years ago  

You've very welcome Andy!
It would be awesome to see more articles from you, as I do like there's diversity in the community.

My sister has been really quite amazing to me and having her back in my life has been so healing for both of us. I am exceptionally grateful to have her back in my life.

I can feel your joy 💕

I hope you you'll get back into your normal activities soon:)

Look after yourself;)

What a lovely little post and yes, I think you've found your coffee spot for sure! Good coffee, a spot for Lory to have fun and, of course, good food!

It's funny you said that about the face in the coffee...About your mum. It was the first thought I had also, that it looks like my mum. (She was very white). 😂

I'll be honest, I think my first reaction to the water-break sitch would be oh fuck also so yeah, maybe it's common? I'm glad all went well for you both and now it's recovery time.

All the best Ranger Andy! 😊

Hi G-Dog

I think you'd enjoy the vibe at the Village Café, it strikes me as similar to the one you used to visit each day.

Lol @ your mom comment, perhaps moms visiting us in coffee will become a new thing like the Madonna toast a few years back 😂

My first reaction to my water breaking at the time was also oh fuck ... I suppose it is a perfectly quintessential phrase to sum up astonishment, surprise and the jitters of what is imminent thereafter.

Can you believe that directly after being discharged that afternoon, my sister and I ended up walking around Spar supermarket to buy Energade? I'm clearly a nutcase 🤣

Thanks for the well wishes, recovery is underway and the day went as well as it possibly could have.

Have a great weekend Galen and I'll be sure to stop by the W/E community.

Ciao for now ☕🍩

Very warm moment in time! Your sister seems pretty cool and bad ass.

Glad that life found a way to show you love and guidance from the physical and beyond.

That café is amazing, gave me a million ideas of the type of café I am looking for, or looking to start. Congrats on the new born and I am sure he will be playing with his big sister at "your café"

Hi @dmilliz

You are so spot on, she most definitely is bad ass. It was a very surreal day to be honest and that café excursion was a cornerstone to it, I'm so glad it gave you some inspiration for your own one. What would you call yours?

Thanks so much for stopping by and writing.

Hope you have a great day

I’d call it IRIE ISLAND cafe and give it a Jamaican theme.I really like the idea of having the kids be able to play close by while the adults can have a coffee and some. It’s something that is needed in my area.

Blessed week ahead!

That's a great name. A Jamaican theme would be epic and I can picture it in my mind.

Coffee shops with kids play zones that are safe and entertaining are always a hit - having them outdoors is even better than the indoor restaurant ones. Kids need to run around and get rid of all that energy.

You too Dmilliz, have a good one :)

I am so glad that you have reconnected with your sister as you start this new chapter. I had been wondering if your absence was because D-day had arrived.

That café is perfect. Must find it next time we are down that way.

Hello Fiona.

What a heartfelt message 🌷 yes it's been one big journey for sure and the last two weeks were very busy. We still thought there was time as his due date was only 29th January but I had a funny feeling he was going to arrive early. He couldn't have chosen a better day 😁

I think you would absolutely love the Village Café, it is in such a peaceful setting and that Turkish delight brownie is heavenly. It is just off the main road.

I hope you have been well. How is McGregor at the moment? You must be having quite nice weather there now.

Have a stunning day ☕

All good and happily busy here, but perishingly hot and going to be even hotter! You know, there's another spot in your broader region that you and Lori would enjoy - if you don't know it already - Timberlake Village. Zucchini is a great place for coffee, food, wine and chilling. It's a favourite spot of ours and has now been there for a long, long time. Check it out if you head to Wilderness at any point from Sedge.

So glad to read you are both doing well. I believe there's a heatwave on its way 😕 let's hope that it will bring some rain to cool things down afterwards.

Thanks for the recommendation, we will definitely go check out Timberlake Village. We don't know the area well yet and it's super exciting to explore and find all the tucked away wonders. I really enjoy being a tourist in your own town and the Western Cape is so stock full of beautiful places.

Lory and I are going to be travelling to Cape Town in a few weeks and perhaps on the way back we can stop in at McGregor and say hi.

That would be great!

Congratulations, fortunately you and he are both healthy and discharged soon. And you're living in love

Thanks so much crazy-bee, I am very grateful that it all went smoothly and he's healthy.

Have a wonderful weekend!


beautiful photos, I was fascinated by the figure in the cafe haha

Hi Nicolas

Thanks so much, I think we all need an angel figure to show up in our coffee from time to time 😄

Have a great day.