To drink beer or not to drink beer, that is the question. Almost always the answer is coffee... #STB Coffee Prompt Week 71

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee5 months ago (edited)

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Collage made for me with open sources.

To drink beer or not to drink beer, that is the question. Almost always the answer is coffee...😆

Like Hamlet, in the Shakespearean drama, I found myself thinking about these issues of dichotomies. The difficulty of the fictional character is complex, and one of the elements of that complexity is that he must decide between two mutually exclusive options. It is a good exercise to propose options that are dichotomously opposed in order to evaluate our options with greater clarity. It is true for literature, it is true for philosophy, it is true for any scenario of our life!

I am a coffee drinker and I am a beer drinker. I don't drink coffee until I get intoxicated, although my average is high, and I don't drink beer until I get drunk, although my average is not very low and it is not high either.


I talk about beer because it is the alcoholic beverage that I consume the most on any given day, while others that I like very much, such as ponsigué rum, I drink almost exclusively at Christmas.

Well, I like beer and coffee very much and both are good to share with friends. Both are also good for an afternoon by the sea with good books. Both are good for watching a movie and for making some art. But there is nothing like coffee to wake up.
Coffee energizes me and energizes my thinking, while beer, after a certain limit, is not good for thinking and most likely after many it is not possible to know whether to be or not to be. With coffee, you always know who you are...


Coffee has been considered in its history, with scientific basis, as a beverage with psychoactive effects conducive to intellectual activity.


So you are more likely to solve a good dichotomous enigma of Hamlet philosophy by drinking coffee than by drinking beer!

Although you would have to consider which of the two, objectively speaking, would be the more enjoyable method of accompaniment!

I've had two coffees while I've made my coffee and my collage and I'm certainly a bit philosophical. I wouldn't give up coffee for anything in the world, although right now it's very, very hot and I'd rather have a very cold beer.

Finally, coffee will always allow you to work and see the stars serenely, to wake up without a hangover. It is not for nothing that coffee was able to enter circles around the world where grape wine found prohibitions.

Happy coffees to all.

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Images Sources:

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Thank you for the company.

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Please drink beer 🍻🍺🙏
I love beer

Hahaha... "Hearing is obedience", said the genius of Arabian Nigths.

A good point of view 💜☕😊.

Thank you for reading me.
Always welcome to share my coffee!

 5 months ago  

Please see our general community rules.

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Oh, too bad I overlooked this! Sorry. I'll edit to be within the community rules.
I guess my collage counts as an original image? Maybe?

I love the comparison between beer and coffee, both interestingly refreshingly. Energy and caffeine are both very much needed with intellectual add on. Tho beer does have a fizzy cooling effect on the body especially this summer. It feels relaxing and a much needed break from the days end. 🍸

Someone who understands the fascination with beer very well! For the heat, nothing better. I live on the coast and in my country it's always summer, so we are always thirsty. Sometimes hot coffee, when it's very hot, has had a refreshing effect on me and I don't know how to explain this phenomenon.
Thank you for reading me.
Always welcome to share my coffee and beer!

Everyone has several points of view, that is the beauty of plurality. You made me laugh with the part, "...after many it is not possible to know whether to be or not to be".

Thanks for sharing your coffee story.☕

Happy Wednesday.

There was a joke about a chick that drank a lot of beer and lost its wings... hahaha.... A bit macabre.
I'm sorry I didn't answer you before, I just didn't see the notification between so many things I've had to do these days.
Happy coffee or beer.