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Hello, dear friends of happy Sunday coffees!
I respond to the topic of conversation knowing full well that I'm a marvel at drinking coffee and a disaster at doing the math! Hahaha...! $20,000! Wow, I can think of so many things to do with that money, it would make my life so much more caffeinated and make my coffees, of course, happier!

In my country that's a lot of money. You could buy a house and even set up a small café. However, if I may dream, I would keep the money and buy a small plot of land with a few coffee trees to have my own private coffee production. I would buy all the paraphernalia that allows you to process your own beans and make really special, tailor-made coffees.
But since I don't have much confidence in my financial judgement, so I would probably end up accepting the security of infinite coffee, as that would guarantee me a long and happier life (every time I drink coffee I feel that my life is getting longer).


By the way, today I am usurping my husband's mug, his precious surviving jam jar. I drink black coffee at my desk because I have a lot of work to get ahead of today..... ¡¡¡¡I wish I had $20,000!!!!!

 last month  


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Twenty thousand thanks!

I feel identified! 😂

I need so many things right now that I'd make that money vanish in a couple of days. But that coffee would last forever... But what if I die before I can drink a second cup of coffee? 😳😵

Oh, how unfortunate that was. But it really makes sense, so it's better to choose the money, right? Hahahaha!

Better live forever and forever drinking coffee but with some money in the pocket!


Yeah, it's true. This is exactly what we want- coffee and money!

I think it is a very interesting project. I have also had the idea of growing coffee, it would be something that would unite us more with coffee, almost like a lifelong marriage.

A delicious cup of coffee for tonight comes straight to your desk.☕


Nice dreams and nice wishes. May they both multiply for you, @rinconpoetico7 !

I wish I could buy a house here in Bulgaria for $20 000. The desired amount will be more like $200 000! 😳

But yeah, the point is that you have a lot of opportunities with the money!

It is a unique advantage of living in a country with a $2 minimum wage.... But let's better think about what could be done and it would be wonderful. I would be very happy growing a small plot of land and having a cafe there offering an art experience. Maybe the idea just sparked here will materialize! I would love to see a post with this dream realized!

I wish I had 20,000 too! You have an excellent idea. Everyone here is sharing their best ideas! High Five to that!

Hi, I love that you are enthusiastic. I think some here have opted for the same thing but with better thought out ideas. Ok! I think every idea is a potential reality. That's where to start!

What King of coffe are You drinking at the photo?

Hi! The coffee I have at home right now is an artisanal coffee that I bought at the local market. It comes from the Cumanacoa Valley, a town near my city. They produce very good coffee, of the arabica variety.

Looks amazing! And the cup 🤯!

jjjj buena reflexión. A hug