I got it done
The slab at lower right is my Mama's first husband, the Father of all my Tippins siblings.
I put Jim as close as I could to his earthly Father
I created the wooden frame here at my home, put it down and used spray paint to outline where I needed to dig
It Weren't Easy
I put the little time capsule inside the framed hole, then poured the concrete with my brothers ashes mixed in under and over that metal can (after I'd wrapped it in plastic)
Finally our sister Linda read somethings, mostly what was sent to me by Kitzi (where he lived those last 27 yrs)
(Kitzi Sprinkle said)
There's something I keep forgetting to share with you. It's a conversation I had with Jim about 6 weeks before he died. I was leaving his little house out there to come back out here. As I was standing on the porch about to leave he said, There's something I need to tell you. He said, "I may be leaving here before too long. I don't know why but I've just been having this really strong feeling that I might need to find another place to go to." He said, "I don't know where this feeling is coming from. I don't know if the LORD is telling me to leave this place. Or if He's about to be calling me to my heavenly home. It's just a real strong feeling I've got."
I said, Well Poppa I sure hope you don't leave us. You've always been here with us. He said,
"I understand. But, this feeling is just so strong. I don't want to leave. But, I might have to "
He left around June 24th (wasn't found for several days) 2024.
Rest well my brother, your journey is done
"It Is Finished"
Jerry E Smith
All images and videos taken with my
Samsung Ultra Cellphone

Jerry E Smith
All images and videos taken with my
Samsung Ultra Cellphone
I am glad you were able to place the grave marker so well. I am sorry for your loss.
My brother was much like me, an outcast and loner, so none of us were close to the "Adult" Jim Tippins who returned from Korea. From things he said, which may or not have been true, I feel sure he suffered from PTSD, but without treatment or compensation.
Out of all my siblings, brother John first went to visit him, then I went twice (I am much closer)
So when he died in such a horendous way, they called me to authorize cremation and it went from there.
I am really glad it is over.