Four months of Furlough ends this weekend

in Faces of Hive4 years ago

After four months on Furlough, I am due to start back at work this coming Monday. Thoughts on that, a little Hive chat, and a few photos, including a selfie with community321 😉


Well it had to happen at some point, the dreaded email that confirmed I will be back in the office following the weekend.

From today's message:

As you are aware, it was necessary to place you on Furlough Leave under the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. This involved you ceasing any work for us and reducing your pay.

Thank you for your professionalism, dedication and patience during this unprecedented and difficult time. Your decision to agree to be furloughed supported Quotient in maintaining business continuity during this global pandemic.

Thank you, it's been a pleasure to be paid for no work related tasks for four months, was not my reply, tempting though. One of the few things money can't buy is time, and so with enough cash to get by (and even sneak a holiday overseas in), I have massively appreciated the time to do whatever pleased me. I saw my daughter multiple times, improved my fitness, and even earned a little crypto here on Hive.

A few people have asked 'don't you get bored', and the answer has been a hard no. I can easily fill free time and even if it's not doing much, it's certainly better than being tied to a desk for the majority of the day.

Anyway, that's coming to an end and on Monday, which feels right now like it will be my first day of employment all over again, and I'll see some familiar faces and slowly get back into the grind. The recent trip abroad however has rekindled my desire for scorching sun, and the sea within walking distance - we shall see what happens on that front.....

With the sun shining and this news to mull over, I decided to take a walk into town. Since the 'rescue of $6 million STEEM', I've been meaning to pay this guy a visit to take a few snaps.

Robin Hood stands poised, guarding Nottingham castle, but also has time in his schedule to recover stolen goods. I didn't notice any keys on his person, perhaps they are written on a tree somewhere.



It's gone rather quiet on the stolen STEEM front, and I think that is a good thing as far as the previous owners are concerned. However, if the law is involved, things are going to take time - years maybe?

A positive outcome for the 'good guys', if and when, could also be a big price driver for Hive and bring about a huge spike in publicity - good for Hive, not so good for Steem. Fingers-crossed for those who were stolen from.


And a big thumbs up to Robin Hood!

Although I did get a bike ride in whilst on holiday in Spain, I was looking forward to getting back on my on wheels and took them for a spin down to the river earlier today.


It's no Costa del sol, but at least there are boats and water, and some cracking weather to start the weekend off too.


What Nottingham lacks in big-ass sea birds, it makes up for with ducks. This team (or 'raft', apparently) were swimming up-river and into the wind, only to turn around a few minutes later.


Fortunately for them, I doubt they have been called to task with anything other than looking for food, and taking a nap on the river bank. Lucky sods.

This weekend I'll be continuing to learn a little Spanish thanks to the multiple apps I've downloaded, will probably take the bike out again, and maybe pay my local pub a visit - I saw it was being readied when I passed an hour or so ago, sweet!

What are you plans?



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Perhaps some of the people that were close to retirement or thinking about it will take the plunge now that they had a taste of retirement life. It could open new doors for you. Glad you enjoyed the vacation, and are having a nice weekend. Our weather has been a bit to predictable lately, hot and sunny one day, (yesterday), then cloudy and rainy the next, (today). Seems it has been in that pattern for the last two weeks.

Perhaps some of the people that were close to retirement or thinking about it will take the plunge now that they had a taste of retirement life

Yep, I know a few who are and one of those is here on Hive. If I were them it would not take a moment to decide!

Your weather sounds much like the UK and today looks like being the last of the sunshine before Monday, what a surprise. Cheers :)

Seems like you've had some hell of a time and that Robin Hood statue pose looks funny... Lol.
How do you feel about going back to work after this? Cos I know how I would.

It's been decent for sure, I consider myself lucky.

As far as going back to work..... I have plenty of holiday left to take before the year is done!

Oh. Good for you I guess then. 🙂

I guess I'll have to do a few weeks work before requesting to use any :)

Of course. But knowing you'll get a break afterwards comes with a special feeling.

A huge hug 🤗 and a little bit of !BEER 🍻 from @amico!

Un caro abbraccio 🤗 e un po' di BEER 🍻 da @amico!

Hey @amico, here is a little bit of BEER from @abh12345 for you. Enjoy it!

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Cheers @amico! !BEER

So glad you had a marvelous holiday!

I think the world needs more Robin Hoods! I sure would love to see that Steem get returned to it's rightful owners soon.

I hope Monday goes smoothly. Keep on practicing your Spanish.. Who knows where that could take you next! ❤️

Thank you, I loved it!

I have a few apps rolling with daily Spanish learning and tests, hopefully I get better and it takes me somewhere warm!

I am due to start back at work this coming Monday.

Are they making you go back in the office? The company I am at are keeping everyone WFH until September.

On Monday I'm in the office, but I think they will be talking about rotating staff so perhaps I'll be in a few times per week. 100% remote would suit me though!

Congrats on going back to work.

I agree that having the sea within walking distance would be nice.

Thanks :)

A short tip or walk along the shoreline each day feels like a miracle cure!

Funking heck, look at that weather?!?! I am quite frankly marked with our summer up here. It has been grey day after grey day.

I love the fact they thanked you for your professionalism and dedication for like not working and getting paid. Awesomes! :OD

Enjoy these last few days!

Sounds like my home town of Macclesfield. The rest of the UK can be paved in sunshine whilst it's grey and drizzling up there - a rip-off!

I love the fact they thanked you for your professionalism and dedication...

You found my favourite line, quality :) Yes boss, I have been very professional in my beer drinking and dedicated time each day to spending an extra hour or two in bed.

Cheers, have a good weekend too sir!

Sod the rain thats what I say, get your thinking head on for a life in the sun again!

I'm aiming for a good one, closing my lappy right now for a weeks holiday!! Woot woot!!! Cheers dude!

Thinking head is donned!

Enjoy the week off, you need if after those bstard's forced meetings and actual work on you!

A good break for you. Just wish we had some end in sight as schools shut down again yesterday here. I hate breaks even weekends but that is for selfish reasons getting my business off the ground. I honestly am chomping at the bit to get things back on track at some point. Many businesses will not change suppliers or even take on staff until this is over so the economy is at a stand still right now. Hope things are good for you next week as it will feel like the first day of school I suppose.

I've been very fortunate during this mess and am aware it's not been like that for many. Hopefully things will improve for you soon, although RBS over here seem to think things will take a while..

Cheers :)

Pleasant walk at water side definitely prove as Healing Time.

Good wishes from my side towards your New Start. Stay blessed.

I agree, thank you for the kind wishes @chireerocks :)

Welcome. 🙂

Back to work, let's hope 2020 doesn't continue to be a shitshow the rest of the year...

Can it be any worse, I really hope not! Cheers :)

Your dedication to accepting money for not working for 4 months is a true sign of bravery and ultimate courage and should be commended! Congratulations 😁

Joking aside, I think you're in a minority of people who have a job to go back to. A lot of my friends were/are furloughed and been let off and I feel for them. Glad you managed to make the most of it!

Enjoy the rest of your holiday mi amigo!


I'll be looking out for the promotion!

And yeah, I'm lucky, and still complaining, what a twat eh :)

Cheers dude!

Job Retention Scheme

That is the shittiest way (or most honest, depending on how you look at it, personally I think it's honest!) to try and explain what they did. A scheme is nothing more than what we know it to be: something shady! It indeed was a scheme to over-inflate the numbers and freak people out, thanks to the lovely statistician in ol' England!

Glad that you're enjoying the last few days before you get back to the grind. Personally, I am hoping to have this lifestyle permanently where I work from home instead of spending 90% of my day away from home! Hopefully you don't have to spend a long time commuting when you do go back.

On a side note, I am picking up SQL at my job and I'm having a lot of fun with it! I hope to someday be able to pull data like you do and really have fun with it. I of course can't run Hive data on company SQL software but when I get adept enough at it, I will probably be purchasing my own, but I don't know anything about that aspect of it yet.

Cheers, have fun at the pub! Hopefully you don't get drunk enough to try something as great as those ducks trying to swim into the wind.

It indeed was a scheme to over-inflate the numbers and freak people out, thanks to the lovely statistician in ol' England!


Personally, I am hoping to have this lifestyle permanently where I work from home

Me too, I'd love to be 100% at home (which can then be anywhere) but I'll settle for 2/3 days a week for now.

On the SQL, LINQpad 5 is free software and connects easily to @hiveSQL. I have a bunch of queries so if you do take the plunge let me know.

I checked the pub out not long ago, seems they are just cleaning today - maybe tomorrow. In the meantime, I have something to drink at home.

Have a good one!

Paid holidays are always nice.

Yeah I cannot complain, been very lucky.

I look at it this way, you took an enforced break and you enjoyed it, as you kept yourself busy and you had great little holiday. Pity about the money though, but at least you have a job to go back to.
Life works out funny at times but we roll with it Ash.

A nice perspective :)

I am lucky to still have a job, just really enjoyed my time off!

Well, yes you have enjoyed it and on Monday the "normal" life starts again.
I don't think that it will be normal, as this Covid has brought about many changes on the work front Ash.
Let's wait and see if I am right.

Well look at this non British weather! What a joy man. And getting back on the grind. Yeah I also wouldnt be that bad with filling my days with other stuff honestly.
But this weekend is all about diners and wine and going through stuff in the house since I will be moving again in two months (dohhhhhh)

I like that I can always surprise you with a picture from the UK showing a little blue sky :D

Dinner and wine, where's my invite?

Moving, yeah, I know this feeling. One day we'll all have a mansion by the sea and there will be no need to throw away the crap we cant carry :)

Since the 'rescue of $6 million STEEM', I've been meaning to pay this guy a visit to take a few snaps.

Pay the visit & take a few snaps with the real one matey...

You are welcome amigo!! :)

I would love to visit - maybe when the world isn't so messed up, if/whenever that happens!

Mine was suppose to finish as well... but I was made redundant so instead of celebration I have a lot of stress and headaches

Sorry to hear about that. I hope you can find something soon enough.

Hello dear friend @ abh12345 good night
If you doubt you work for a good company, that writing says it all; Here in my country Argentina they fired you, or vacations without pay.

The sad thing about it all is that you have to go back to work, the good thing is that you will receive a full salary and remember the good times experienced in these four months.

Enjoy your weekend dear friend

Thank you @jlufer, some wise words here. I am lucky that there is a job to go back to and will try to remember these holidays when things get tough.

That is an excellent way to face things, and make adversity more pleasant.
enjoy the weekend dear friend

I thought you were Robin Hood!

Monday is going to kill you bro. Nice knowing you.

Feels a bit like it with the EL sponsorship :)

Yeah, it's going to be brutal but I'll survive - so many seem to have no job to go back to :(

That's true...The lucky ones get to go back, the not so luck are lining up at he social security office.

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Hey @abh12345, here is a little bit of BEER from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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Funking heck,look at that weather?!?! I am quickly frankly marked with our summer up here. It has been grey day after grey day.

I love the fact that they thanked you for your professionalism and dedication for like and not work and getting paid. Awesome!

Enjoy these last few days!

Funking heck,look at that weather?!?! I am quickly frankly marked with our summer up here. It has been grey day after grey day.

I love the fact that they thanked you for your professionalism and dedication for like and not work and getting paid. Awesome!

Enjoy these last few days!

I can't believe it's been four months! Flown by.

I wonder how your local will deal with Covid - I've been in two here in Hereford in the last week - in pub 1 you get yer temperature taken, then you're just let loose, in pub 2 - it's individual tables, waiter service for drinks and a 'no mingling' rule.

Huge variation!

I don't like going out anymore, it's just too weird.

It has flown by, I could do with another four.

I've not checked today but my tiny local didn't open yesterday, it will be soon though by the looks. There's little room so I'm not sure of the plan, could be no more than 8/10 people allowed in at once!

Plenty to do at home and the supermarket beer isn't too bad - stay home 2020, what a mental year and it's only July!

Oh being tied to a desk is definetely not a dream. But I am happy to see you managed to fill your free time. For some, furlough has been a great opportunity to spend time in a different manner.

Spanish classes? Lovely! Just don't learn it so well that you'll write future posts in spanish, I don't know it that well😂

It's been great to be free but work starts again in 20

I can barely say a thing In Spanish so far so Hive is safe for now 😁

Hahaha, I wish you a great first work day! Feels like you're in school again hahahha. Nervous, a little bit out of place? Hihi. I am sure you will adapt fast to the new norm. Of working from a desk.

Your progress in spanish will be a source for my attention. Buena suerte!


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