Uso esta fotografía para llamar la atención de la mayor cantidad de gente posible. Dejaré que esta hermosa rosa hable por sí misma.
I was going to leave a message on my general chat channels in our Discord community, but thought maybe a publication would reach more people. It has become difficult for me to publish for a number of reasons. As many know I am very busy and active. I may be 67 years old, but I am working 12 to 18 hour days.
Iba a dejar un mensaje en mis canales de chat generales en nuestra comunidad de Discordia, pero pensé que tal vez una publicación llegaría a más gente. Se ha vuelto difícil para mí publicar por varias razones. Como muchos saben, estoy muy ocupado y activo. Puede que tenga 67 años, pero trabajo de 12 a 18 horas diarias.
In the past I had to clean up my user account and mute those who are trying to cheat the system, and thus cheat each of us. One may think that “what difference does it make?” Well people, I try and be liberal with my curating, including the percentage of my voting power used. When I run low on power I cannot vote on everyone’s publications that deserve a strong vote, or I lower the percentage of my vote. So we are all losing out from these those abusing the system.
En el pasado tuve que limpiar mi cuenta de usuario y silenciar a los que intentan engañar al sistema, y así engañar a cada uno de nosotros. Uno puede pensar que "¿qué diferencia hay?" Bueno gente, trato de ser liberal con mi curaduría, incluyendo el porcentaje de mi poder de voto utilizado. Cuando me quedo sin poder no puedo votar en las publicaciones de todos los que merecen un voto fuerte, o bajo el porcentaje de mi voto. Así que todos estamos perdiendo de estos que abusan del sistema.
It was easier when just Steem was active, because all I had to do was mute people. This has changed as I have grown on the platforms, and I will get into this in more detail as part of this publication.
Era más fácil cuando sólo Steem estaba activo, porque todo lo que tenía que hacer era silenciar a la gente. Esto ha cambiado a medida que he ido creciendo en las plataformas, y voy a entrar en esto con más detalle como parte de esta publicación que cubre la agricultura de votos.
I was provided with a list of names that are scammers, cheaters, "vote farmers". I am receiving information from followers/members and from HiveWatchers, on this problem. I double check each one to find out first hand if they in fact fit these categories. Unfortunately, this also leads to more users, who are part of it, as I follow the “money” trail. My list is well over 100 names as of this writing.
Recibí una lista de nombres que son estafadores, tramposos, "granjeros de votos". Estoy recibiendo información de seguidores/miembros y de HiveWatchers, sobre este problema. Reviso cada uno de ellos para saber de primera mano si de hecho encajan en estas categorías. Desafortunadamente, esto también lleva a más usuarios, que son parte de ella, ya que sigo el rastro del "dinero". Mi lista es de más de 100 nombres en el momento de escribir esto.
Even if someone has multiple accounts, and they are commenting on my publications for votes, I will treat them the same as the abusers. I do not care about having more than one account, but it is how it is used.
Incluso si alguien tiene varias cuentas, y están comentando mis publicaciones para obtener votos, los trataré igual que a los abusadores. No me importa tener más de una cuenta, pero así es como se usa.
To deal with this involves more than just muting them in one platform. I have to mute them in both @r2cornell and @dsc-r2cornell accounts. Then I have to go into hive-152200 Community and mute them there too (that took me some time to figure out). I also have to go into both the Hive platform and Steemit platforms to deal with each hive-152200 community. This is where my time is being spent instead of publishing new content.
Tratar con esto implica algo más que silenciarlos en una plataforma. Tengo que silenciarlos en ambas cuentas @r2cornell y @dsc-r2cornell. Luego tengo que entrar en la Comunidad Colmena-152200 y silenciarlos allí también (eso me llevó un tiempo averiguarlo). También tengo que entrar en la plataforma Colmena y en la plataforma Steemit para tratar con cada comunidad colmena-152200. Aquí es donde paso mi tiempo en lugar de publicar nuevos contenidos.
To top this off, I also have to see if the user is a member of my Discord Community and block them from there as well.
Para colmo, también tengo que ver si el usuario es miembro de mi Comunidad de la Discordia y bloquearlos desde allí también.
I try and remove votes whenever it is possible. I do not down-vote too often, but this may change. I have been upset and discouraged in the past when this happens, but now I am frustrated and angry. I have had some users who got me to this point and when I finished with them they had a reputation of around zero.
Intento eliminar los votos siempre que es posible. No voto en contra muy a menudo, pero esto puede cambiar. En el pasado me he sentido molesto y desanimado cuando esto ocurre, pero ahora estoy frustrado y enojado. He tenido algunos usuarios que me han llevado a este punto y cuando terminé con ellos tenían una reputación de alrededor de cero.
I am writing this to give everyone fair warning. I am not screwing around and will finish my list before I publish more posts. When I am curating from my personal account I check the list of names and deal with anyone on the list. I will spend more time on this list, so I may not curate posts. I will do my best to curate those publications from good people, with quality posts as best I can, although I cannot guarantee it.
Escribo esto para avisar a todos de manera justa. No estoy bromeando y terminaré mi lista antes de publicar más posts. Cuando estoy curando desde mi cuenta personal reviso la lista de nombres y trato con cualquiera de la lista. Pasaré más tiempo en esta lista, por lo que no podré curar publicaciones. Haré todo lo posible para curar esas publicaciones de buena gente, con publicaciones de calidad lo mejor que pueda, aunque no puedo garantizarlo.
I think it is important to note that those users who are abusing the system are of the minority. Most of my followers are working hard at what they do, and I admire them and their subsequent publications.
Creo que es importante señalar que los usuarios que abusan del sistema son de la minoría. La mayoría de mis seguidores trabajan duro en lo que hacen, y los admiro a ellos y a sus publicaciones posteriores.
Well, there you have it. I encourage everyone to be on the lookout for these abusers. Even if they have multiple accounts and they are commenting on my publications for votes, I will treat them the same as the abusers. I do not care about having more than one account, but it is how it is used. In the event each of those accounts comment on my publications, it is a form of vote farming.
Bueno, ahí lo tienes. Animo a todos a estar atentos a estos abusadores. Incluso si tienen múltiples cuentas y están comentando mis publicaciones para los votos, los trataré igual que a los abusadores. No me importa tener más de una cuenta, pero así es como se usa. En caso de que cada una de esas cuentas comente mis publicaciones, se trata de una forma de cultivo de votos.

I agree with what you say. Here are some good ideas and good work sir.
Thanks you this post have a nice day.
Thank you
Frauds always disturb good peoples. I know you more than 2 years as a very kind hearted man and frauds always take the benefits of your kindness. I suggest you don't upvote any comments especially suspicious comments for three months and mute the suspicious accounts then automatically multiple accounts disappear and you can easily identify the real accounts. Have a nice day sir, God bless you.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Spammer are active so start downvoting so they can learn a lesson how it hurts if you cheat on someone.
It is good what you are doing.
I strongly believe scammers, spammers should not be given room to operate on this hive blockchain.
Thank you
roses are very beautiful, so many people love them, but many people forget that roses have thorns ready to pierce.
I don't know how long you have to pull out the thorns, one after the other, it hurts and is tiring. And that is very sickening.
But I salute you, at the age of 67 you still want to do that, you are indeed very extraordinary sir.
And sorry I just want to make you laugh a little, from the photo below, is my daughter who dreams of driving a car.
Thank you. Great photo of your daughter. She looks to be quite creative.
thank you sir, I just want to get rid of your boredom a little, in your old age.
Bored I am not...Too much to do. Always nice to see the creativity of children.
When people already understand that everything bad that they have done will return to them like a boomerang. Thank you for your work.
Unfortunately even when it comes back to them they are not conscious enough to realize it.
ndeed your cover photo is very beautiful or it will be that I love flowers and general.
And to comment a little on your article, there is still some rage left.
I started in Steemit to order the little pods that I spent writing everywhere, this led me to ignite the passion for photography, at these times I always want to write or show something, have fun participating in activities that help you breathe another air .
It is always good to be aware of what happens behind all this technology.
I admire that you have the vitality to work so many hours.
It was a pleasure to visit you.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
the rose is very good for the first picture. Looks beautiful. a lot of farmers are happening in your channel, and I will help you to overcome them. I feel happy to be able to help you.
Thank you very much. I appreciate the help
Muchas gracias.
Endurance matters than age. Unfortunate to know that you are dealing with these all kinds of stuff. Good wishes from my side and stay blessed.@r2cornell, You remind me of one statement and that is,
Thank you...
Lo bueno de todo esto es que hay quienes se dan cuenta de que esto pasa… Saludos @r2cornell, Feliz tarde.
Muchas gracias.
Es muy duro trabajar tanto y encontrar tramposos querido amigo, la rosa hermosisima @r2cornell It's so hard to work so hard and find cheats dear friend @r2cornell the most beautiful rose
Muchas gracias.
I am very sorry that you have to deal with all these negative things at Hive, it is enough with the situation that we present everything and the responsibilities to also try to control a million of unconscious abusers, who are very smart and take money in their hands without any effort, while those who work hard like us do not receive much and we become demoralized, the system is not fair, but just like you and the group of good people, we try to make a difference. I admire your equanimity, because even though they send you the list you are dedicated to inspect each user to verify that it is true, because we know that other evils of the platform is xenophobia and abuse of power. Many blessings to you, God keep you.
Thank you. Very well said. Many do have issues with Xenophobia, so I have to agree that is part of the reason I double check. HiveWatchers have a difficult job trying to help protect the platform, but they too can make mistakes. Double checking is import as well because I seem to uncover additional abusers.
Estimado @r2cornell, esperaba ver las hermosas flores a las que ya estamos acostumbrados, y que me encanta ver, jeje.
Usó una buena estrategia para atraer lectores. Y entiendo perfectamente que sea una persona muy activa a sus 67 años (¡Felicitaciones!), yo cumpliré 72 en el mes de junio y sigo activa y espero que Dios me permita seguir en actividad hasta el final de mis días.
Me sorprendió mucho el contenido de la publicación espero que pueda resolver todo en forma favorable y que podamos seguir leyendo sus bellas publicaciones de flores.
Dear @ r2cornell, I expected to see the beautiful flowers that we are already used to, and that I love to see, hehe.
You used a good strategy to attract readers. And I understand perfectly that I am a very active person at 67 years old (Congratulations!), I will be 72 in June and I am still active and I hope God allows me to continue being active until the end of my days.
I was very surprised by the content of the publication, I hope that you can solve everything in a favorable way and that we can continue reading your beautiful flower publications.
Thank you. Once I clean up things, and catch up with planting my garden, then I can start some publications of flowers. My garden is more like a farm because this year I am growing for others besides my household. I have many flowers in bloom now but have been so busy I have forgotten to go out and take photos.
Well, first things first. Things that are not a priority are left for later. So it has to be.
Take great care of your health because the more years are passed the more you have the more you have to take care of yourself.
Have a nice weekend
@tipu curate :)
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 15/20)
Thank you
I was surprised by your article, brother.
It's sad to read this, I wish people would analyze everything.
I wrote this over a couple of days so I could edit and keep it "professional". I am determined to get this taken care of and get myself back to a regular schedule of publishing.
It is hard to deal with spammers and abuser specially if you are distributing good reward to motivate young blood on this platform. In my opinion you are absolutely right as it is important to deal with spammers and abusers strictly so other will get good lesson. Wish you all the best for helping and motivating people on this platform. All the best @r2cornell
Thank you very much
Great work.
may God give you more strength
and you have proved it that age is just a number , keep working harder but remember health is wealth so make sure to keep yourself healthy aswell as doing hardwork
Hive watchers try to catch spammers very quickly. And Spammers go to the block list.
You have some interesting transactions in your wallet, which led me to more users with even more interesting transactions. I will take a real close look at this trail after a good nights sleep
Thank you
You have some interesting transactions in your wallet, which led me to more users with even more interesting transactions. I will take a real close look at this trail after a good nights sleep
You have some interesting transactions in your wallet, which led me to more users with even more interesting transactions. I will take a real close look at this trail after a good nights sleep
You have some interesting transactions in your wallet, which led me to more users with even more interesting transactions. I will take a real close look at this trail after a good nights sleep