Congratulations and that's why we are so proud of you @drakernoise
Due to my age and my late start with PC's and the internet I only have basic knowledge about codes and such things.
The great thing is that I have always believed in the adage, "Surround yourself with like minded people" and in my case it is "like hearted people".
Not many will do what you did here with your new riches and know that this great effort will come back to you seven fold.
We also thank the @geekgirl and @thedd and all of the other members of your team to make this great deed possible for you.
I'm blushing @papilloncharity ... thanks for your visit and your encouraging warm lovely words to me. You know I'm doing it by heart with no reward in mind. I'm rather proud of being able to do something to improve the life of those in need and It doesn't takes too much from me afterall.
Have a great day, hugs.
Thank you and every word there was the truth.
So thank you once again.