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RE: #Googlyeyes compilation and rant.

in R2cornell3 years ago

I had no idea you're behind the @combination account and will look into it!

You deserve some goodness to come your way with all the kindness you do! Having your hands full taking care of your elderly father and helping oversee your brother is a fulltime job by itself.

All the best to you, Pablo! @drakernoise💕


Thanks @ninahaskin for your kind words, I always try to do my best by I have not all the honours, they both my father and brother are a big support for me although I have to do some undesired tasks. I couldn't deal with all this without them for sure.

@combination is a charity project build upon papilloncharity registered foundation operating at South Africa that is making an impressive daily job with those targetted, the ones in need. Particularily they are giving the youngest an amazing opportunity to form themselves in ways that they will be able to develop nice futures for them and their families. I'm really glad to be of some help for such cause.

Best wishes and always my hugs to you @ninahaskin 🤗