Your Choices as Your Anchor...

in Tarot Community3 months ago



It starts with a raging force that you can’t control, and followed by that ranging memories to where you can’t really understand why it started
You wanted to control the rain that pours, the feelings that everything has started to show until you forgotten that you needed to control these emotions after all
That tear wanted to fall down even if you wanted to control them, you wanted to control your emotions that hinders your feeling of strength and sense of control
Yet there are not in your will will that you wanted to control, there are not in external factors that you can control either, but only you can understand what’s behind these emotions that are too deep...

We all know that the sun will certainly set within the day, the moon will rise in the night whether we sleep or not, the rest will happen in a day no matter if you wake up or not
All seasons will absolutely change no matter what the month is, the weather will all change depending on what season we are in, the rest of time will comply as it is constant
The waves will crash hard against the shore, whether there is a low pressure or not, or just a normal day, waves will rise, waves will be low
No matter what happens, the rest will happen whether I want it or not, the rest will fall down into their place, whether I wake up one day or not...

Oh, my foolish heart, why are these breeze so strong, why are these waves so high, why do I need to adjust and wrestle to the seas, why bend to these changes
The rest is externals, the rest is all wild and free, but am I? Am I bounded to these changes, to these factors, to these happenings that I’m in
Another’s words, another deeds, they are planted like a field of seed in the land of judgement, they grow in the ways I cannot fully see and understand
But I know they are not mine to prune, they are not mine to be, there are a lot of reasons I would never know...

I cannot rule the rest of the world from outside, but I know in myself I can rule over my choices and what my mind thinks
I cannot control what others think of me, what are the thoughts they think but I can control what words shall I speak
I cannot control what temptations shall come my way that could shake my inner land, but like a sacred light, this could help me see with what’s clear
I stand, amidst the flow of the things I cannot rule over or know, yet in this chaos I could choose to calm my mind, command my heart and my mind to learn and let go of the rest, in quiet strength that is where I shall begin...

But in truth, there lies a key
My choices are what is free
Of the things I cannot rule or know
The truest strength of head and heart


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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