When you Seek the Craft of Healing...

in Tarot Community18 days ago



When you seek tender and care, where you’re in a wounded place longing for strength and grace
When you seek warmth and comfort, where you’re in weakness that grows finding press to continue
When you seek story and purpose, where you’re in out of balance and became lost in a glance
When you seek healing and discover, where you’re in the middle of various life choices…

To care you must first know the reason or your purpose of why you needed to care
To know you must identify what is the ultimate goal and how is it important to you
To touch you must first realize the truth about the experience and perception of touch
To heal you must first accept the truth and understand why your body needs healing…

The balance of knowing what’s the specific spot you seek means you’re ready to begin with
The style dance of your mind and heart knowing the balance of both makes you stronger
The body’s warmth is like a muscle that is needed in each other in order not to be strained and sore
The subtle press of knowing the exact place of healing is a strength that is worth tapping into…

The part to find your courageous retreat to finally start renewing to start and grow
To push against your body’s plea is making you free from the rest of mind’s worry
A simple press of courage is finding where your soul is weaker and helping you to face fear is truth beyond trust
The craft of healing is not the real light but the knowing that you can softly fight for you as you gently push…

Truth beyond trust
Middle of various life choices
To be strained and sore
Why your body needs healing


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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