The Shift in Adversity...

in Tarot Community14 days ago



Some are born to hills away from the world that gleams, but some are born in endless dreams, land of gold and silver, where the rest ease flows like a gentle stream
All kind of paths seems carves in the light, and others start in like shadowed plains, where the world of hunger or chains from their life’s previous world
Different skies are darkened by endless rains, or brightened by strong sunshine, while the rest been in heavy, endless night that brings some kind of inspiration at night
But whatever the fortune’s wheel, it spins, it always turn endlessly, given to others with no heavy effort, while others yearn until like they needed to perspire with blood…

We are born with different circumstance, we cannot choose but the truth is we must learn to accept this circumstance, for this life is a fickle, winds may change no matter what time
The rich may fall, the poor may exchange into rags for crowns, their world may be rearranged- even when tides that they are in will never be still
These burdens weigh as much as we need, regardless if we want it or not, are heart will be left unfilled because we are seeing what world others have
The fortunate, the struggling too are both tossed by fate, nothing new when it comes to whatever storm, or whenever the light sines clear…

To whatever sky we are in, we cannot stop the rain or the sun, nor under the deeds that already has been done regardless of what time we have left
All looses come, the victories won, outside of our command, outside our wishes, outside our hope, our desires, our heart desires
But only in our mind holds the key, in order to choose how to be bolder, how to be free we’ll always be the answer to how you wanted to be free in so many ways possible
In order to rise, to resist, or to give in into your life’s circumstance, the choice is ours to bend, the choice lies in our own hand, our mind and our soul’s desire…

We will despair when trials rise, or either meet them with full of determined eyes, we will always seek the truth, or cling to lies we want to tell ourselves in order to just give up
The power is our own alone as not all who flourish felt that they have won in the their own battle, as the fame and wealth can also weigh you down a ton that you can never imagined
The gilded life or the race through struggle is once fun, but it can also turn into a cage that is filled with regrets, or soon you’ll stop racing until the end, or you just wanted to stop at all
What then, for those whose dreams came true, will they seek meaning, what truly makes life whole, your own freedom will still shape your mind, where no one can steal this sacred right away from you, this strength in our freedom within us grows- the freedom of our will!

Circumstance shape the stage but never lock us into cages
Our choices write each passing page
What choice is near, act with strength not in doubt
Will seek wisdom, or refrain and persist pain


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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