Self Virtue as a Gift...

in Tarot Community21 days ago

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For every breath we take, we have a choice to breath it with hope or breath it for the sake of breathing alive
For every decision we take, we have a choice to make this path continuously unfold or a choice to take this path for granted
For every whisper we hear, we have the choice to make make these whispers proving your worth or make these whisper win
For every action we make, we have the choice if it is worth doing, then it is worth the act, the move and the time with no valid exceptions or alibi…

This act of courage sparks your fear into the light that makes you want to choose what is right beyond any power that could bend
This act of respect for yourself makes you want to stand tall to destiny that marks your real purpose on this world
This act of standing for yourself is also standing for others because this power binds you together that is bounded by the right place at the right time
This act of choosing doesn't bend too easily as it serves as your true compass without any room for any doubts…

This self virtue grows from within like a silent prayer that speaks through your soul of purpose that spreads throughout your body
This self virtue is like a mighty force that dispels doubt and fear taking that chance of hope that binds us not to fail
This self virtue is the gift of the divine that breaks through the chain of uncertainty and beyond what confusion can try to comprehend
This self virtue is like wings that will teach you how to fly in your own sacred-space, a life that is well-lived that is filled with hope and grace..

The promptness leads us through better ways how to live life, how to conquer each and every breath that will never end, “I can do this
The courage will give us a progressive strength that you cannot hold back until you will always say, “I do need this”
The inner space that you have created can take your words completely yours that only you can understand regardless of circumstance, “Nothing is too easy”
The virtue is your own future that makes your world wind dreams and expectations a reality despite all the uneasiness, “Do it with all your heart”...

Filled with hope and grace
Binds us not to fail
Without any room for doubt
Whispers proving your worth


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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