Life’s Radical Equalizer...

in Tarot Community3 months ago



Can we just stop the day and lay everything down without thinking what would happen next
Beneath the sky so vast and wide, we always tread our paths and even our fates collide
Most of us have that feeling of dead from the inside, while some rise the thrones with crowns of gold
While others shiver in the cold in order meet with their grave like king to beggar being born…

Our veils are torn apart, no riches, titles nor renown can save from the day we need to lay down
The stars don’t ask for any form of wealth, or trace of fame it’s just like dust returning from whatever we came from
We’re just like traces of time that threads on great loom, where each is destined for the same tomb
In silence we whisper where these power weeps, like standing into the mountains so high where no one could hear your screams…

We wanted to conquer lands, travel through seas, we even bow to no one even do as you please whenever
We wanted our name to carved into marble walls but still we’re scared of death that doesn’t care of crowns or power
In one sniff of flame, it claims the light where you look with scorn as you realize this light is still never enough
Remember this: the earth and the sky won’t care of how high you stood, how bright you are, or how unique you have become…

Take the heart, not the death blinded to pride, take the time not the easy wealth to tears and tolls
In death’s great court, no man is below, no one is above we all must go when our time comes
Why do even play these games, to highest thrones or lesser building of names of we’re only binded with the same door
For death is the equalizer ground, levels all with steady hand, just live in peace and outlive your life, as in the end, we all must go…

Let death remind us, soft but true
The wheel of life rolls on
Let this truth guide you clearly
Share the fate that claim all of us


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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