Discovered that Tiny Bit of Spark...

in Tarot Community16 days ago



Life whispers so soft sometimes but sometimes roars too loud
Life brings us joy but sometimes bring us pain so shroud
Life has its highs and lows but comes just to test our soul
Life pushes us to towards challenges just to lead us through a goal worth achieving…

With those darkest nights, what is we couldn’t find the strength to carry on
With the weight of fear that deepens, it makes our spirit breaks and willingly give up
With the urge to give up, run and hide, you couldn’t understand what you can’t
With the easiest way to turn things away, you suddenly stepped aside and discovered that tiny flame of hope…

Still the road is rough and the journey becomes slower than expected
With every step of the way, the burdens grow too easily
From those scars and tears, we learned every lesson that comes near or far
Those wisdom gained from the trials that passed, shapes who we are and strengthens our future ahead…

For every each battle won, we learn values from the loss of our own
For every hurdle crossed, we have faced the enemy of fear
For every struggle faced, that person who once feared the fall conquered the fight
For every time you stood your grounds, only prepares you to endure more and another fragment of tenacity is found…

Faced the enemy of fear
Becomes lower than expected
Weight of fear that deepens
Discovered that tiny spark of hope


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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