Hello fellow Hivers! I hope you've been having some creative and productive days and are doing well. Today I'd like to enlist your aid as a bit of a focus group! I need some fresh sets of eyes on this logo idea that popped in my head, so that I can figure out if it's simple quirky fun... or total crap!
But first off I want to take a second to thank everyone who's joined the Creating Comics community so far. We're up to a dozen subscribers (okay, okay... two of those accounts are just me, but whatever!) and I've already really enjoyed the engagement and conversation on one of my first posts into Creating Comics. In that post I offered up a free issue of Draw! magazine, and there's still a couple days left to get in on that contest, so check it out if you haven't already!
Now, down to business.
I had a few minutes tonight to start mocking up a possible logo for the community. It's very simple, but it's an idea that came to me and I thought... "Huh, that could be kinda fun."
It's simply the Hive logo, colored to look like a pencil! Voilà!
I like the idea of tying the branding closely in with Hive. In a lot of my communications I've even been referring to the community as "Creating Comics on Hive."
I made two quick variations, one being the classic #2 style pencil almost anyone would be familiar with, while the other is more a tribute to a classic Staedtler style drafting pencil.
There are pros and cons to each. The recognizability of the classic pencil is nice, along with the fact that it might speak equally to the writing aspect of creating comics as opposed to just the visual. However the drafting pencil has more ties to creativity in my mind, while the classic pencil could just as easily be a logo for an accounting or test prep community!
Of course, all that's relevant only if they both aren't complete rubbish!
So what do you think of the idea? Clever? Lazy? Fun? Stupid? Let me know in the comments and feel free to contribute any ideas of your own.
I continue to look at the best possible ways to start recruiting and onboarding new users from outside of the Hive ecosystem. In the meantime, if you know anyone who might be interested in the topic of Creating Comics, please refer them to me! I'm more than prepared to create accounts and delegate starting Hive Power to new members. You can contact me here, or have interested parties reach out to me on any of my existing social media.
Have a good rest of the night and be sure to take some time to draw, write, or at least daydream!
-Bryan "the Imp" Imhoff

O prefer one on the right. I guess yellow adds to the image because of bees :)
I hadn't thought of that connection, but it is another tie-in!
I thought you have created it with this intent :)
I think that they both will be hard to recognise in small versions. Simple colours would also make it easier. I get tired every time I see the creative coin logo that works like shit in the wee size.
Maybe something with speech bubbles?
"I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." title graphic. Hmm... and I don't want to use initials because of how many other communities/projects like Creative Coin would also be CC. I appreciate the feedback, I'll keep mulling it over!I'm not too worried about the smallest size, but maybe that's just me. I don't find too much readability problem even with photo icons. Speech bubbles might be a bit overdone... and just by me alone! 😆 I've got a speech bubble motif in my @spottyproduction logo and my
I personally gravitate toward the one on the left, in part because I think it'd look more distinct at small scale.
It is a simpler color palette, and one I can probably work with more broadly. I've always loved the look of comic book preliminaries and original art which often have a blueline underdrawing, and the grey and black of pencils & inks. I feel it's less recognizable as a pencil, but to the target community maybe not. Thanks for the vote!
I am in the corner of Team Blue. The one on the left. I just like the colors.
I like those colors better too. I actually just added a simple photo placeholder as I mull things over, and it may just wind up staying. Curious what you think!
The one on the left is more bold. Honestly, I feel like something involving the classic four-color palette would be appropriate but the pencils are fine.
I like the one on the right more, but if you didn't write that it was a pencil I wouldn't recognize. It just looks kinda nice, but doesn't say comics to me.
I hear ya. It's a very "choady" pencil. 😆 I think it is a stretch so I'm playing around with some other simple ideas too.
By the way, is IMHO your favorite Internet acronym? 😁IMHO the pencil logo is clever and functional. I like where you're going with it because it ties in well with the theme of the @creatingcomics community and with Hive. And while I like both the yellow and blue versions I also think something simpler (2 or 3 colors?) would be easier on the eyes.
Also, is it ok for me to join the community if I don't post to it???
Of course! I'm a semi-pro at lurking! You've clearly demonstrated an interest in the topic, and that's all it takes!
Crap, I did just admit to lurking didn't I... Subscribed.
I'm embarrassed to say I never have made the personal connection with IMHO... 😂 I'm now inspired to write blogs entitled I.M.H.O.F.F.S. Rants. (In my humble opinion for fuck's sake!)
LOL 😆😂🤣. Now that's funny! Do-it, do-it!!
Since yesterday I also played around with a simple photo placeholder, that could potentially wind up staying in some form.
I'd be curious what those who've already weighed in; @bescouted, @katharsisdrill, @loreshapergames, @sidekickmatt, and @readingdanvers think of this addition to the possibilities! Thanks everyone for your feedback and support!
It looks better. But I would put a simple black pencil instead of the light blue one.
Love the photo. Great thumbnail for the account. As for the logos, I wasn't convinced at first as I didn't instantly recognized the pen. I'm more on yellow team myself. Reminds me of my youth drawing with this kind of pencil. Both are cool though...
I'm not totally sure what you mean? You mean this exact placeholder with pencils that would appear one your profile photo is empty?
No, no. This is just for the community account, appears in the header, searches etc. I was just calling it a placeholder because I was tired of leaving it blank, but I'm not decided on a final image or logo yet!
Ok, now i get it! As for comics community it looks too technical to me. In my personal humble opinion it would be a better fit for architects community. as for the comics i'l like to see more colors to it, or some pencil sketch of some comic related object. But i am not an expert in comics, we did not have any (well almost none) when growing up sadly :)
I agree with @bescouted on the technical look.
I guess it might help to see in in context in a form of mock up, at least for me, as i can not get my head around it yet :)
But communities definitely need a header and some individualization options. They look too clean, technical and soulless for now :)