I buy stuff online a lot. Very frequently, i should say. I barely have the time to go out and get things I want due to my schedule. I buy from online social media vendors more than i do from buying and selling platforms like Jumia and the rest. I buy a lot from my whatsapp vendors and Facebook sellers.
For most of my purchases, I've had them good. Just as I had ordered. I have gotten items ranging from clothes, footwear, gadgets, accessories, and other items online. Last year was the year that I did what I consider an online shopping marathon. I was getting things almost every month online. Back to back.
In November last year, I got a new laptop and a new iPhone from an online store. It was my first purchase from them, and they delivered just what I ordered in good condition.
Last month, December, when Temu was in all our faces and a person had barely done two scrolls before an ad from the store popped up, I just decided to check out the platform. Their free shopping deals were tempting, and admittedly, I fell for it. It was only after I had gotten items worth the stipulated amount before I could access the free shopping they had stated. Unfortunately, there were other financial requirements that I could not reach. Scam! Lmao.
Anyways, they had really nice stuff for fair enough prices, and I placed my orders.
I received my order later than I should have, and it was all good. I got this slip-on, and the quality and look was just as I had seen on their page. It was okay. I got two bangles/bracelets, and they were good too. The wristwatch, though, fell below my expectation as I received something of lower quality than was displayed on their page. It was still good. Prices were fair. Do you know the surprising aspect? Cause I had made complaints about my delivery which delayed, they made a refund to me and still let me keep the wares. All of it. I was very surprised. I've been thinking how they managed to keep up with business if they had to do this for every customer that laid a complaint. They must have their own ways.
Although I have read reviews online about how Temu was disappointing based on what was received, I think that the customers did not read through item description, details, and reviews thoroughly. I'm speaking based on my own experience.
I don't fall in the category of people who have had bad online shopping experiences. Mine, mostly, have gone smoothly, and I always received just what I ordered. Smooth!
Images used are mine
Thanks for stopping by.
Posted Using INLEO
I’m equally as surprised as you were and I’m wondering how they keep business ongoing if that’s what they do.
I'm really interested to know how they do it.