in Digital Lifestyle5 days ago (edited)

Over the years, me and my devices have grown to be one. It has gotten to the extent where, I can not go a complete twenty four hours without my device in my hands. I'll like to call it, married to my device.


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Not that I am addicted to gadgets, perse, i hardly chat on social media, except discord. Its just that majority of my life activities are tied to my phone and other devices, which makes it difficult for me to live without it.

The longest I have been without my phone is, never. Welp, only when I sleep, which is, most of the times, about three to five hours.

In my area, there was a time when our transformer got spoilt. It took a while to repair it which made my laptop to go off for an extended period of time. However, I could not let my phone go off. Each day, I had to pay almost a thousand naira, both for transportation and for charging fee, just to give my phone some juice. I can do without TV for ten years, but I can not do without my phone and laptop for an extended time.

Currently, they stopped supplying electricity. They said that something got spoilt, and is affecting the country at large. It started yesterday, and I don't know how to survive this. My laptop is drained of power, and I really need to charge it because I have many things to do. Though my power bank is somewhat full, I will have to regulate how I charge my phone so that the juice will not run out.

Its quite disturbing and I don't know what to do. Will I now begin to spend a thousand naira each day to go juice up my phone? In this hard economy and I paid my Nepa bills. Its quite frustrating though.


At this moment, my productivity will greatly reduce, and I will have a lot of work to do if the power is restored.

The only thing that I can do at the moment is to chat with friends. I guess I will have to go back to the age where phones was not invented - play whot, luda and chitchat with people, even though I don't like to.

The major thing I did today, was to stare at my light bulb in hopes that it will shine its white light. Using my phone to perform tasks is really stressful and slow.

Its normal that we adapt to unfavorable conditions, but this will be really difficult.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What a terrible situation, I hope the country can overcome this electrical problem, I can't imagine the impact that everyone will suffer because of this problem.

I can't live without my mobile phone either, it's a strong attachment, and I prefer to spend hours surfing the internet than talking to friends in real life, my mobile phone is everything and I could also say that I married it, hehehehe. Well, may this situation get better and may you soon have lots of electricity. @nwothini335 😄

I prefer to spend hours surfing the internet than talking to friends in real life, my mobile phone is everything and I could also say that I married it, hehehehe.

Seems like we have something in common.

The impact of cutting the power is really intense. I can't imagine that I will stay for some days without light.


Thank you for stopping by

!pimp !luv

It's been a pleasure thank you very much, by the way try to sleep a bit more, when you are older you will want to, you won't be able to. @nwothini335 🙂

You have a point.


Lack of Adequate power supply is one of the reoccurring issue we suffer in Nigeria. As a result of rise in the price of petroleum,the cost of charging device from those who offer the service has also skyrocket. One thing about we humans is, no matter the situation we always find ways to adapt, I guess with time you will also adapt.

I dont know if the country is getting better or if the country is going down to doom.

Thank you for stopping by


That’s a lot of things to process but of course, we didn’t miss the part where you can’t go more than hours without your phone. Looks like the electricity situation in your current vicinity is bad and we can’t even imagine how that makes you feel. We hope things get better as you also start getting used to maximizing productivity using your phone.

i hope that things gets better.

thank you

Damn! I’m sorry. My staff was just informing of the news happening in Nigeria with the grid? That must suck. It made me realise that we take many things for granted here in the first world countries

its actually disappointing.
they fixed the issue yesterday. i currently have light.