I Was Unplugged For A Day

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I'm that guy that my phone is my companion. Like a best friend that's always closer. Is that an addiction? I don't know what to call it but I believe that people of our present generation can't go a day without our phones by our side. It's either we're surfing through social media or even making money from it.

Sometimes, I want to beat myself up for being so glued to my phone, but on second thought, as a guy who doesn't love being outside or mingling with people a lot, my gadgets help me kill the boredom. So you can imagine me going a day without any of my gadgets.

The truth is I've never voluntarily tried to be without my gadgets for a day or two. That's one personal social experiment I don't think I can ever embark on, but I've been forced to do that involuntarily, and that's all thanks to NEPA. I mean the people we now call Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHED).

It feels like a curse but I've never been lucky to live in an area with good power ever since I came to Uyo. I've tried a lot, at first, it's all good with the power, but then something happens to the power grid or whatever excuse they'll give.

So, there was this time, for over a week there was no light in my area. I did well charging my gadgets at a pay point for those six days of the week, but on a Sunday when no one opened up their shop, I had no place to charge my gadgets. I had to go the whole day without any of my phones or my PC.

It was horrible, one of the loneliest days of my life. But I tried my best to kill the boredom by doing a lot of cooking I should have done the previous days. Have I told you people how I love cooking and exploring new foods?

I also read books I borrowed from friends which I had been postponing to read and in the evening, I got out of my comfort zone to visit a friend's house to catch up on old times.

That experience made me realize how much we're so addicted to these gadgets that we lose track of actually living. We've made these gadgets our make-believe world that sometimes it's hard to survive without them.

I think the greatest addiction in the world right now that we don't even know we're addicted to is our addiction to our gadgets.

Honestly, going a day without my phone is something I don't want to experience unless there is going to be a reward for it.

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Well, the world is now at the point that those gadgets make the money (for some people) and they need to be alive for us to make a living. Still, you are right in creating a timeline outside of it all and just building ourselves in a different way.

I'm not against making money from it. But we still need rest even though we work online. At some point we keep it aside and rest.

Thank you for reading 😊

Lol if it was me, on a Saturday before that Sunday when they won't be available to charge, I'll charge my power bank for back up 😅

I refuse to be unplugged but I guess there are some things I'm missing out for staying plugged for so long time.

Well I did but you know how this power banks can be.
Thank you for reading 😊

😂😂😂oh come on
You got rewarded with cooking which you love and other cool activities. What type of reward do you want again?
Anyway I agree that gadget addiction is a thing that has engulfed the world and we’re not so blind to it but we just kind of don’t really care so much about it.

The reward wasn't bad though as the food tasted nice.
Thank you for reading 😊

How hilarious that you were forced to cook. Indeed, the most underrated addiction is probably being so needy of our gadgets. Many of us need to digital detox once while, truly. Great entry!

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Thank you for having me 😊