The Chain of Events That Ignited My Fascination with Technology

Technology has always been one of those things that has been fascinating for me since a very young age and that has not been something in which I got myself involved in itself because of a particular one event. Still, it was a chain of a lot of small events that continuously kept me having a basic curiosity which has been going on for a very long time, and developed my interest in the field and That all started from one single event. It. I will be talking about all of it today in this article.



It was the first time I got exposed to some sort of Technology and it was in the time of early 2000 when my family got its first computer it was a family computer that everyone used back then and it was also a second-hand particular set which was something that I had to see for the first time at a very personal level and that was something that I always was very interested to be using and to be getting a part of the things that it can be doing and that is why it is something that did play as a very important role to be getting myself interested to its Technology.

At that particular point in time, I used to be using that PC for a long amount of time and that was something that was a turning point because I slowly started to learn a lot of things initially there were a lot of such applications such as MS Paint and watching movies as well as also using the internet for a lot of other things, these were particularly those things which have been having a lot of possibilities and that is why it provided a chance to be unleashing the creativity and also exploring everything that it had to offer and that is why I used to be spending a lot of time on the computer itself.



As I grew older there were a lot of things changed because the fascination I had at a younger age started to grow even stronger and I started the question how these things work and how it is going to be operated the way they look slowly I started to get myself involved into computer science and all of these kind of aspect slowly in terms of education and after that I purse you would my education in the same field as well and that is why it has been one of the particular things that I love from a young age and I do enjoy it even now as I am studying more about the languages as well as everything that goes into building computers other electronic gadget which is basically in the backbone of Technology as everything needs to be program and that is how everything works these days.

Right now what I feel about technology is that the best part about it is the constant evolution that it has to because it doesn't always stay on the same page and same style over the years we have seen a lot of changes in almost every aspect of technology as we have seen the growth and development that it has shown and always displayed over the years and that is something which has always happened because people always keep on experimenting with different aspect and tool which is going to be the reason for advancement in the field.

Currently, the thing that amazing me the most is the potential that has been suppressed by emerging technology because everything new is always going to have that potential to become a huge aspect in the upcoming future and that has been the case over every particular aspect of technology that has gone big right now because at a particular point of time, it was also emerging and not many people focus on it and right now there are a lot of such things that are amazing and that is always going to get the case regardless of what time we are talking about it.



I feel amazed by The Amazing World of technology has offered different opportunities as well as the various abilities that it has to offer along with the fact that it can accomplish a lot of tasks with such that we could not have had to imagine a couple of years ago and this is one of the facts which is always going to be remaining constant of what period talking about technology in.

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