Disconnected, But Finding Connections Around Me

in Digital Lifestyle7 days ago



Hi guys, welcome back to my blog. Welcome to a new week, although I don't feel pumped as I'm feeling a bit under the weather, been a little down for some days now, but I'll be fine soon.

What Happens When You Unplug?
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to go without your phone, laptop, or even TV for a long time? Maybe it was a power outage, a personal choice, or just bad luck. Share what it felt like and what you did to pass the time. If you've never experienced it, imagine what it would be like and how you would cope.

While in my final year in school, almost towards the end of the semester, I met a certain guy; he was cute and smart. So we got talking, we would talk for a long time during the day, more like getting to know ourselves.

One particular day he asked that I come to visit him, instead of suggesting that we meet and hang out somewhere that was close to the campus, but I didn't, I don't know if I was hypnotized or it was love I don't know, because the normal me was really cautious, but I just accepted the invite after he persuaded me. Why I was surprised at myself was because where the said guy was living was a bit of a distance from the school area where I was.

So the day we had arranged came, and I found my way to his place; he welcomed me, and we had a pretty decent time; we had conversations, he even made lunch, and we ate, talked, and laughed like old friends. Before we knew it, it was already late in the evening and I had to get back home.

We said our goodbyes, he escorted me to the bus station, and I boarded a bus. I was in high spirits, you know, that type of feeling you feel after having a good time; that was how I felt. I sang merrily while walking home, but this feeling was cut short when I got home, and when I wanted to make a call, I discovered that my phone was nowhere to be found, I searched my bag, pockets and everywhere I could think of where the phone could be in, but it wasn't there, then it dawned on me that I had loosed it in the bus.



I didn't know where to start from. I didn’t know if I should cry, shout, or laugh; I was overwhelmed with emotions because I really needed my phone at that point in my life, and I couldn't afford to easily get another one. I was so sad that day that it felt like I had lost someone.

For a few weeks, I had no phone, and no phone meant being cut off from the whole world.
I missed so much information regarding my classes, I was only able to get some of my friends' contacts when I got back to school the following week, and I had to use either my sister's phone or my neighbor’s phone whenever I needed to get information about my classes, and this had to be whenever my sister or neighbor was around and this was so bad that I could just remember everything and burst into tears.



During that period I was without a phone, I was privileged to engage more in conversations with people around, and it was surprisingly fun when I didn't have schoolwork to do; I went out on short walks to clear my head and also just 'people watch,' and I found that therapeutic.

During that period, I was able to connect with my environment more. Even though I felt bad about my predicament until a friend of mine was able to give me a small phone to use for the time being until I was able to get a new smartphone.

So yeah, this is how I was able to manage my unplanned plug-out; it was more of a bittersweet feeling, though.

Have you had to deal with a plug-out before? How was it? Please share how it went for you in the comment section.

Thanks for stopping by🌹

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Losing one's phone suddenly like that can be very heartbreaking, it's great you were able to navigate that time by spending time more with your environment and bonding with those around you.

A few days ago, our electricity supply went off for over 48 hours; when my battery went off, I used half a day to simply visit some friends around, and it was great spending time outside my home.

A few days ago, our electricity supply went off for over 48 hours; when my battery went off, I used half a day to simply visit some friends around, and it was great spending time outside my home.

I can relate to this, we spend so much time on our devices, that once they are down we begin to get agitated, but thank God you were able to make the most of your time.

 6 days ago (edited) 

Will it be weird to say “that was the price to pay for love” hehe. Anyway, I believe the highlight of that period was how you actually found something therapeutic doing. It really is devastating to lose a phone but you handled it so well.

Anyway, I believe the highlight of that period was how you actually found something therapeutic doing.

Initially, I didn't believe I would be able to stay sane during that period, surprisingly, it flew by and I was able to really do more than o thought. Our devices most times deprive us from really observing and connecting with our environment.

It really is devastating to lose a phone.

It really was o, but thank God I survived 😄

Connecting with environment is underrated honestly. And it's a pity that thanks to smartphones, so many people overlooked it.
Loosing your phone must have been so sad. But with it, you were able to connect with your environment and make more meaningful conversations. That's a really beautiful thing

Loosing your phone must have been so sad.

Yeah it was really sad, but I'm glad I came out of the period refreshed and with better understanding of things around me. Thanks for stopping by.

A friend just lost her phone recently and I'm surprised to how she knows all happening around her neighbourhood now than when she doesn't care.

Then she will just be inside with her phone, she only steps out to buy food or other things. Too much gadgets can make us not be in touch with our surroundings.

You wrote it so well.

You wrote it so well.

Thank you, and thanks for reading.