News Flash! • Digitalyst Showcase - Edition 026

in Digital Lifestyle2 months ago (edited)

It's exciting to see the community come alive. Many relate to the community's scope to somehow be inclusive in their lives, and so they're sharing content in their own unique ways. This community showcase is to shine a spotlight on our community gems since the last showcase—usually between the last seven days.

For more insights, visit the community's introduction post and also find content ideas.

The dream is to build an informative, inspiring, and transforming hub where people unlock 10x their potential in this digital era. And to align with this dream, you way want to have a good look at the community's scope as well.

Creator Showcase

Curated Content'.Now, without further ado, let's showcase some of the exemplary posts that represented the community's theme with their alignment, quality, and effort—in no particular order. These posts have been curated by @digital.hub and are highlighted in the community as '


A display that is - me

by @oluchi


My phone's home screen is of a brown Pinterest moodboard. I love that one because one, it looks so cool and also, it gives off a peaceful and positive vibe. Two characteristics I want my year to be full of. I used it throughout last year and I'm still very content with it. The apps on my homescreen, are divided into two. On one slide, there's one for my socials and on the other, I have my work and educational apps. I don't really like scrolling through so many apps before I find what I need so, I have them organized on my home screen.

Ai - Humans

by @bipolar95


Similarly, during one of my HSE classes, we were taught PPE and the importance of always kitting up with the appropriate uniform and safety gadgets to avoid harm from coming to the workers. There are some work accidents and people lose a part of their body because they fail to acknowledge PPE. At this level, AI revolutionary is long overdue.


And there we have it—highlights of the Digital Lifestyle community last week. We appreciate them for adding value to the community, and we hope this showcase brings more eyes to their content.

D i s c o r d

Digital Lifestyle Banner.gif


Thank you for the support 🙂😊

Thank you so much for the recognition. I really loved participating.