AI Or Human Jobs Which One Is Displaceable?

AI is gradually taken over the world, and now what we saw as a welcome development now look like a threat to us all.


Top technologist has predicted that AI is going to take 40% of human jobs in the next 15 to 20 years. If I should judge things by this prediction, that means the outcome will be very scary.

In our society today where the rate of employment is very low and people are struggling to make ends meet, What would happen when 40% of the remaining jobs taken by AI? That means the rate of people that would die by starvation would be much in th coming future.

I cannot say that AI is not important. AI has come to make the life of humans easy, just like the way other technological inventions did. But currently what AI is about to do is posing a threat to us humans. Even with the aim of making life easy for us humans, it is has decided to get into competition with us humans.

AI is trying to replace all the jobs that is possibly done by humans. Even as this also sounds great, what will the hope for those who earn a living with the jobs that these AI's are trying to take from us. People who cannot do anything apart from their job that they depend on to survive will end up becoming jobless.

I would say AI is a doubled edged sword. It has come to make life easier for us by helping us to do the jobs that is seems difficult and time consuming for us, and at the same time it has come to take over the jobs that we are using to earn a living. This a promising technology that comes with a big threat to humans and it's survival.

What Jobs Should AI take.

What is going on now, AI could easily replace jobs that are repetitive. The jobs might be blue collar or white collar jobs, but there will be a lot of white collar jobs that will be replaced.

AI can replace chauffeurs, truck drivers and people who do driving for a living. Those jobs that seems a little bit complex too could be replaced. Jobs like Chef, waiter, accountants, store keepers and many more.

A lot of things will definitely become automated. We will see stores that are completely automated. There will be automated restaurant with AI's rendering all the services that you could think of. All these can not help but displace a lot of jobs in the future.

What Job should AI not take?

No matter what AI does, it cannot destroy the fabric of the society. In some sense, there is always these human wisdom that will always overcome technology revolutions that comes out.

Right from the invention of the steam engines, electricity, the sewing machine, they have at their own time displaced jobs, and some how we have all gotten over it.

For me I don't actually know the jobs that AI should not replace. Right now the challenge of AI is more than 40%. The AI revolution is coming faster than we expected, more than the previous revolutions.

All I can say is that we humans should keep improving our skills so that we will not be caught off guard by the AI revolution.

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Humans should also position themselves to be able to control and cooperate with ai where need be.
Change is constant and many must adapt to changes.