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RE: Crack Mack Update - Final Seven Days!

in Canna-Curatelast month

Wow, there are quite a few yellow leaves. I love how the colors and tones look in the photos where you see all the plants.
Many congratulations for your achievements this year, surely you have gone through complicated things that one does not end up telling here but I congratulate you for having overcome them, I think this is the third year that I greet you for the holidays and although we do not know each other I feel like a friend, congratulations.


Thank you my friend, the yellow leaves are an indicator that the plant is near completion of its flowering cycle.

Indeed this is a great achievement for this year and you are right I go through complicated life patterns that I don't talk much about on here. I used to blog about my life years ago but now I just blog about plants and sometimes 3D printing.

You have also achieved a multitude of amazing things this year and I believe next year you will surpass those achievements with more amazing achievements and inspirations.