Hola. Hace pocos días hice una publicación en la que explicaba cómo en una de las cajas había salido un número inusualmente bajo de plantas hembras. Puedes verlo siguiendo este enlace.Pues con esta caja ha pasado lo contrario: un número inusualmente alto de hembras.

"De momento, han salido 15 hembras de 18 plantas. Falta una por definirse, pero tiene pinta de ser hembra también. Ya veremos.

A mí me parece muy bien que salgan tantas hembras. Pero digo yo, ¿no puede estar la cosa un poco más equilibrada? Si son 20 hembras totales entre las dos cajas, ¿no sería mejor 10 y 10 en lugar de 4 y 16? Mejor distribución de nutrientes, de agua, de luz, etc. Esto es lo que pasa a veces con las semillas regulares.Es lo que hay.

Este año no he tenido ningún problema ni de oídio ni de moho, y los gusanos están controlados por esta centinela y sus colegas. Llevan unos cuantos días por aquí y cada vez me puedo acercar más cuando estoy en la terraza. Hoy he podido grabar a una de ellas sin problemas. Los primeros días se alejaban.

Esta otra caja está a punto de caramelo y pronto empezaré a cosecharla. Que tengas un gran día.

Hi. A few days ago I made a post explaining how one of the boxes had come up with an unusually low number of female plants. You can see it by following this link. Well with this box the opposite has happened: an unusually high number of females.

At the moment there are 15 females out of 18 plants. One is still to be defined but it looks like a female too. We will see.

I think it's great that there are so many females. But I say, can't things be a little more balanced? If there are 20 females total between the two boxes, wouldn't it be better to have 10 and 10 instead of 4 and 16? Better distribution of nutrients, water, light, etc. This is what happens sometimes with regular seeds. That's the way it is.

This year I have not had any problems with powdery mildew or mildew, and the worms are controlled by this sentinel and her colleagues. They have been around for a few days now and I can get closer and closer when I am on the terrace. Today I was able to record one of them without any problems. The first few days they stayed away.

This other box is about to caramelize and I will soon start harvesting it. Have a great day.

You're plants are beautiful.. And the pictures of your plants are beautiful! I love the pics!v especially the gif... That was so cool 💯🔥💥🤗
Thank you very much @rachaeldwatson. The wasps are still around the terrace worming the plants and one of the boxes has already been harvested. The photos depend on how the phone is on the day.
Looking good as always my friend! 💪
Thanks a lot dude!
xe ven muy lindas esas plantas amigo, que buen tamaño tienen los cogollos :D
Este año está siendo bueno, sobre todo porque no hay ni oídio ni moho.
I would also like to collect this nectar there bzzzzz
The forbidden nectar of happiness.
Beautiful plants and beautiful photographs! I love that gif with the bee too. Nice work @happyfrog420-new 👍
Thnaks @futuremind, It seems that the phone was fine that day and took a good picture. It goes to days.
My phone is the same way. It takes nice pictures when it wants to.
beautiful girls
Thanks a lot dude!