Grow Diaries 2024 #14 General: Nature vs Nurture

in Canna-Curatelast month


This post is about medical/recreational cannabis.
I recommend you don't use it.
It could be illegal in your country.
Be careful!


Picture from just a few minutes ago.
Plants look happy and healthy - not much to report.

Nature vs. Nurture

Quite often I've heard or read something along the lines of:

Just let nature do its thing

...and sometimes I even use it myself.
On the surface, it seems like a good way to look at this stuff; The plant is more or less part of nature and nature provides the best conditions for it.


Taken to the extreme, this would mean (in case of cannabis), that the plants grow as tall as possible and produce as many flowers as possible, then die and spread those seeds/pollen as far as possible.

Nature often takes the scatter-gun approach and just throws a lot of spawn out there. Survival of the fittest and all that...

..and that's good in nature.


At some point, I want to harvest. I think that's the difference between nature and gardening:
The garden produces something.
It could just be there for beauty, but generally, you want some form of yield.

This is in most cases not in the best 'interest' of the plant- It's against it's nature.

I want to harvest my spinach before it goes into flower.
I want to harvest my cherries before they fall off the tree.


With this cannabis, I want to harvest the female flower.
I want the cannabinoid content to be high in the flower.

This is absolutely not what the plant 'wants' to do in nature.
In a natural lifecycle, the plant would produce those female flowers to attract male pollen, to be fertilized, to create the next generation.
I want to avoid that.


Even though I want the plant for something it wouldn't do in nature, I also want to take advantage of the plant's nature...

Creating an artficial environment can also create problems that would not happen in nature.
If I lock up the plant indoors together with a pest, there is no chance for predators to come in and attack the pest. In the wild, there is at least a chance for some problems to take care of themselves...

The job of a gardener is to find a balance between the nature of the plant and the results they want to achieve.

I don't want weeds in my garden (just weed, lol), but I also don't want the garden to be sterile.
I am also lazy. I want to do as little as possible to get the best results.

In essence, I want 'nature to do its thing', but strategically interfere at certain points and manipulate the plant and its growth into a certain direction. With minimal effort.


Don't come at me with 'nature knows what's best' 😑.
At the same time, I believe: 'nature knows what's best - leave the plant alone'. ☮️

Might refer to this in future posts.


But man nature knows what’s best 😂😂

Let’s see how will be the result for ya 😂 and I hope everything is fine on your side. I remember some health problems about elbow if I am not wrong 💪🏼

Arm still hurts bad.
But I can carefully type now, if I take breaks.

They look good, but mine are not flowering yet... should I be concerned?

Edit: Or are these your autos?

those 2 are automagic, the photperiodic plant doesn't flower yet.

puh, I was worried there for a moment.

Spoiler: my plants are looking great right now :)

Those are some great looking plants @thatgermandude

Would love to see a grow post about them in the Canna-curate community.

...and a spectacular view, too.

20th of september is equinox...

Does that mean they wont flower until then? That would be crazy

you should read my blog.

Hah I am learning all about that "balance" of nature growing outdoors right now..

Your plants are looking good, nice buds forming :-)

i see than someone is loving share their plants in the cannabis community, those plants looks really healthly and strongers

It's my first legal grow - i am excited :)

Hey, same question as last year: are you planning to attend HiveFest in Split (Croatia)?
You are still eligible for the 5Fest Trophy and we need to know if we have to craft one for you.

I am undecided, still.
Please don't 'craft' anything for me.

Ok. Than you for the quick reply.

Man elevates nature IMO. Of course we respect her, but we copy what she does, and just improve for our benefit. ;)

Looking super healthy!

I try my best to take a less is more approach with cannabis, but then again there's nothing really natural about how I grow cannabis.

Creating an artificial environment can also create problems that would not happen in nature.

Nothing compares to the five fingered five toed creature that roams around in the night looking for entire plants to uproot when they're at their optimal harvest time.

Growing weed outdoors where it's meant to grow seems fun though, maybe one day I'll get the opportunity to grow weed outdoors if those five fingered five toed creatures can ever recover from the sickness that's ravaged their souls.

Looking forward to seeing these beauties plump up! Great work!

but then again there's nothing really natural about how I grow cannabis.

Yeah, the lamps are very artificial 😅. Since it's legal, I see no reason to grow indoors, other than the one you mentioned.
In fact, I think growing under lamps is kind of... silly. In an earlier post I discussed all this...

I got a 1500m² garden in the middle of nowhere (no electricity, no water) and in an ideal world, I'd just grow some 100 plants and select for the best and breed....
Little work, no cost, no pollution, no overhead, no worries.

I got this 2 m² south-facing balcony here, some stories up, in an apartment complex.
If some five fingered creature managed to get up here to touch the plants, I'd be very impressed.

While I feel what you are saying, I am opposed to the mindset that 'the humans are the problem' - It's so cynical, it hurts my soul. Maybe I'll write about this someday, but my hand hurts and that's a long story...

Thank you for the response. I hope the issues with your hand get better, and hope you're able to get some relief from the pain.

I suppose growing in an artificial environment where it's legal to cultivate is rather silly when factoring in the costs and efficiency of everything. I really can't disagree with this logic.

I also cannot disagree that the "humans are the problem" mindset is cynical, and currently I am very cynical and feel humans very much are the problem and need to come to grips with the fact that we live in a negatively charged world because we make it that way.

People are constantly scheming up on my cannabis in predatory ways and think I don't see through their greedy evil ploys in real time. I'm sick of it, and yes this creates a cynical feeling towards people because I cannot safely grow cannabis outdoors where I live because of people. How could I not blame people for being like this?

Everyone has fee will of choice the last time I checked, and that means people can choose to be good instead of bad...

I realized that when you occupy your mind with the question: 'what's the problem?', you will inevitably and always come to the conclusion that the humans are the problem.
It leads down a spiral of cynicism, bitterness and hate.
You will end up in a dark place.

Once I stopped looking for the 'problem' and just accepted things for what they are, I felt so much relief.
There is no problem.
That's my mantra.
Sure: There are obstacles, questions... but there is no general problem with human life on this planet.

I think there are different ways to arrive at this conclusion... You just need to find your own way to get there. Or don't. I am a terrible preacher, sadly. I know I am right, though.

Life's is the best thing we have, including everything that comes with it.
I refuse to spend any more time of my life looking for 'the problem'.
I can really recommend it 🙂

...just let go, you know?