The Contraption...

in Canna-Curate2 months ago

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Good morning y'all and welcome to today's show where I'm trying out a new piece I bought off the internet..

Also... in the background you can hear a cat meowing. Not mine. I'm just cat-sitting. But that's a whole different post with much different tags..

I didn't mention it in the video but NFL betting lines are


unlike your mom who stays open later than 7-11..

Remember kids.. Safety First..




Edit... no ceramics were injured during the making of this video.

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That looked harsh lolol glad you had on the protective eye wear!

That pipe hits harder than a angry drunk ex-wife..

Or so I've heard

Something about those sun glasses makes coughing look cooler..


It's not the sunglasses.. it's the !PIMP hoodie..

God dam, you trying to kill yourself bro….

Let’s Go!


Need 1 more TD..


My bets..


We got it!


Nice Freeze pipe! Sounds like it hits pretty damn hard! Harsh through the new pipe?

Sorry to hear the lighter had to be retired, but the jar didn't break at least!

Yeah it hits like a grownassman

The lighter however..



That was the better option... this is what I hit..


It's for Beth's Splenda packets..

That's a really cool jar. It's a good thing the better option broke instead..

Your reaction to the cat on the table had me rolling of my chair.

I could so relate to that. They never jump up on anything anymore when I'm around but soon as I leave the house Bam they are at it. MF'S. Which is partly why now I kick them outside to the backyard when I leave. Anyways, here's some nerdy information about why you might be coughing. I'll spare you the details.

  1. Your weed sucks.

  2. Your weed sucks.

  3. Your weed is not dry enough.

  4. When you burn your ganja burns, the smoke it creates is about 1kdegrees. Hence why bongs and ice is recommended to cool it down.

  5. You took in way too much too fast or too much flame.

  6. Your weed sucks.