I'll use this post the next time someone tells me 9 plants are better than 1! 🤣👍
The SCROG net was one of the cheapest but most effective purchases I've made
I'll use this post the next time someone tells me 9 plants are better than 1! 🤣👍
The SCROG net was one of the cheapest but most effective purchases I've made
Thank you @cannaworms 😄 I'm happy to have my post be used as an example for what is achievable with a single plant indoors!
More plants that are smaller does have appeal, but also comes with a higher margin for error to occur. Faster yields versus what can be a very long and patience filled process with a single plant. There's drawbacks to only growing one as well, but overall I somewhat prefer this single plant in a tent method.
It also takes some high output lights to make that happen with one plant too. I have about eight hundred watts at max capacity on her during flowering. Those buds are about to explode in size :)
Agreed SCROG is a relatively cheap but huge upgrade to a grow space, definitely makes a huge difference for training.