Test 9 LB Hammer x Ignite: Vaporization Method (English/Spanish)


Enjoying the fruits is priceless the 9 LB Hammer x Ignite has 1 month and 4 days of cured and is already feeling the difference compared to the first time I did the initial test, has a certain flavor that is close to the Ignite x Ignite but with its unique characteristics, each plant has its own effects, flavor, aroma, plus its lineage, that's what makes it interesting the world of cannabis cultivation.

It seems to me that this genetics is a good cross, the seeds were sent to me by a grower friend from Canada in a very gentle way, I think that few people have grown this variety in South America, in fact before growing it I had no idea of the existence of this variety.


When I meditate and stop to think I know that all the plants that I have cultivated are jewels, of course with the passing of time they have been better but it is for the learning that is absorbed dealing with everything that has to do with the cultivation and its processes.

I stopped growing to rest for a period of time but with the certainty that I will return to this topic between March and April to make all the preparations, to also improve the growing area with more security, but for that reason I will not stop writing because there are many topics around cannabis that we can develop.



Soon the NBA season will start and it is a basketball that I enjoy a lot, even some time ago I used to write and analyze what was happening in the league, I developed it in another space, but I have been able to see that there are communities in this Web3 blog that are interested in the topic, maybe I will resume sports writing that also requires analysis and has many topics that can be rethought.

As time goes on curing. Cannabis continues to dry but in a slower way so we keep it in glass jars to preserve it from the air and keep the resin that make the trichomes of the plant and those that have that nice unique effect.


I always wanted to write and talk about Cannabis and all that it entails, I have a real fraternal relationship with marijuana and I think it is what all of us with an avant-garde mentality should have in our gardens or our terraces.


This test and update of what's on the road as a perspective I think has been nice, writing will always be a therapy too, for people who like to go into constant meditation, although many times stress robs us of some of that tranquility, but we always know how to recover somehow and be in a better situation. I imagine that you have enjoyed this writing if you have reached the end of this paragraph.

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Test 9 LB Hammer x Ignite: Método Vaporización

Disfrutar de lo frutos no tiene precio la 9 LB Hammer x Ignite tiene 1 mes y 4 dias de curada y ya se va sintiendo la diferencia en comparación a la primera vez que le hice el test inicial, tiene cierto sabor que se acerca a la Ignite x Ignite pero con sus características únicas, cada planta tiene sus propios efectos, sabor, aroma, además de su linaje, eso es lo que hace interesante el mundo del cultivo del cannabis.

Me parece que esta genética es un buen cruce, las semillas me las hizo llegar un amigo cultivador de Canadá de forma muy gentil, pienso que pocas personas han cultivado esta variedad en Sudamérica, de hecho antes de cultivarla no tenía idea de la existencia de esta variedad.

Cuando medito y me detengo a pensar se que todas las plantas que he cultivado son unas joyas, por supuesto con el transcurrir del tiempo han quedado mejores pero es por el aprendizaje que se absorbe lidiando con todo lo que tiene que ver con el cultivo y sus procesos.

Deje de cultivar para descansar un periodo de tiempo pero con la certeza de que regresare con ese tema entre marzo y abril para hacer todos los preparativos, para también mejorar el área de cultivo con más seguridad, pero por ello no dejaré de escribir ya que hay muchos temas en torno al cannabis que podemos desarrollar.

Pronto iniciará la temporada de la NBA y es un baloncesto que disfruto mucho, incluso hace un tiempo escribía y analizaba lo que sucedía en la liga, lo desarrollaba en otro espacio, pero he podido ver que que hay comunidades en este blog Web3 que les interesa el tema, quizás retome la escritura deportiva que también requiere análisis y tiene muchos temas que se pueden replantear.

A medida que pasa el tiempo en el curado. El cannabis se sigue secando pero de una forma más lenta por ello lo mantenemos en botes de cristales para que se preserve del aire y conserve la resina que hacen los tricomas de la planta y los que tienen ese agradable efecto único.

Siempre quise escribir y hablar sobre el Cannabis y todo lo que implica, tengo una relación de auténtica fraternidad con la marihuana y creo que es lo que todos con mentalidad vanguardista deberíamos tener en nuestros jardines o nuestras terrazas.

Este test y actualización de lo que hay en el camino como perspectiva pienso que ha sido agradable, la escritura también siempre será una terapia, para las personas que nos gusta entrar en constante meditación, aunque muchas veces el stress nos robe parte de esa tranquilidad, pero siempre sabemos cómo recuperarnos de alguna forma y estar en una mejor situación. Imagino que han disfrutado de este escrito si llegaron hasta el final de este párrafo.

Twitter https://twitter.com/agfnzn1
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dread_negro/


Do you have a favorite team? I love basket ball, but I enjoy college hoops more than pro. I am really enjoying watching Caitlin Clark in the WNBA!

Yes years ago I followed the Knicks but because of the mismanagement they have had for years, I doubt if they are going to get back on track, but I still enjoy most of the games, I like college basketball too, but the NBA is where all the best talent that comes from the NCAA and all over the world is, that makes it interesting.

I don't follow the WNBA but I've heard a lot of good things about what Caitlin Clark is doing.

I wanted to write a little bit about the NBA on Hive, in fact I made a Podcast type video but the 3 Speak platform has been down for over 24 hours and apparently it's serious because the developers haven't been able to do anything yet.

Dude Caitlin Clark is amazing. She is changing the game for woman's BB, and is actually making it popular. Just the fact how she has been selling out arenas makes it so much more fun to follow.

I used to live in Kentucky, and we really lover our Universty team