New Transplant of Kali x IW3 P3: Advancing in the Experimental Project of New Genetics (English/Spanish)


On Saturday December 7th I was able to transplant the plant I had left to change pots, the Kali x IW3 P3, the truth is that the transplant was successful and with the passing of the days the seedling looks good, as you may remember those who have read me, I lost one of the plants and I pointed that out in a previous publication, as I said it only remains to continue and continue with the plants that are still standing.


I still need to reinforce the security of the terrace, but I think I will do it soon, I have to take the measurements of the material I need and once I do it, evaluate the cost budget of the material I will use.

The curators in this platform appear and disappear, I would like them to maintain constancy in our publications, just as we do the writers who leave quality writings every week, because maintaining the commitment should be mutual, in my antepenultimate publication I named the curators and I hope to do it again and I hope you can read this paragraph with attention.


Having plants for me is not only a challenge, but also a satisfaction, it is inevitable, they give a lot of joy to the terrace and when I don't have plants it seems that life is missing, perhaps for that reason I also decided to undertake this experimental project outside my usual season.


The temperature here in my region drops in the afternoons and normalizes in the morning, at night it averages between 19 degrees Celsius and 21, and in the day it increases from 27 degrees to 30, perhaps these half abrupt changes between day and night in temperature are causing some flu and discomfort in the throat, so I am now with treatments based on lemon and ginger infusions.


I am going to study if between this or the next week I start giving nitrogen to the plants in foliar form to boost a little more the vegetative growth, the help in terms of nutrients for the plants is always positive of course without overdoing it so as not to burn them.


This is this week's update, additionally I can say that one of the tests that I have enjoyed the most regarding the plants that I harvested this year, has been the White Widow, I think it is a plant that suits me very well, the detail is that I have no more seeds of this genetics but I will try to locate them and acquire them again, I hope that all those who read me are enjoying, fulfilling part of their plans with the best of the vibes.

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Nuevo Trasplante de Kali x IW3 P3: Avanzando en el Proyecto Experimental de Nuevas Genéticas

El sábado 7 de diciembre pude realizar el trasplante de la planta que me quedaba por cambiar de maceta, la Kali x IW3 P3, la verdad que el trasplante resultó exitoso y con el pasar de los días la plántula luce bien, como pueden recordar los que me han leído, perdí una de las plantas y eso lo señale en una publicación anterior, como lo dije solo queda seguir y continuar con las plantas que aún se mantienen en pie.

Aún me falta reforzar la seguridad de la terraza, pero creo que lo haré próximamente, tengo que tomar las medidas del material que necesito y una vez lo haga, evaluar el presupuesto de costo del material que utilizaré.

Los curadores en esta plataforma aparecen y desaparecen, me gustaría que mantuvieran constancia en nuestras publicaciones, así como lo hacemos nosotros los escritores que dejamos escritos de calidad todas las semanas, porque mantener el compromiso debería ser mutuo, en mi antepenúltima publicación nombre a los curadores y los invoque espero volver a hacerlo y ojala puedan leer este párrafo con detenimiento.

Tener plantas para mi no solo es un reto, si no también una satisfacción, es inevitable, le dan mucha alegría a la terraza y cuando no tengo plantas parece que esa vida hiciera falta, quizás por esa razón también decidí emprender este proyecto experimental fuera de mi temporada habitual.

La temperatura aqui en mi region baja en las tardes se normaliza a partir de la mañana, en las noches hace una media entre 19 grados centígrados y 21, y en el dia aumenta de 27 grados a 30, quizás estos cambios medio bruscos entre el día y la noche en cuanto a temperatura estén ocasionando ciertas gripes y molestias en la garganta, por ello estoy ahorita con tratamientos a base de infusiones de limón y jengibre.

Voy a estudiar si entre esta o la otra semana comienzo a darles nitrógeno de forma foliar a las plantas para que impulse un poco más el crecimiento vegetativo, la ayuda en cuanto a nutrientes para las plantas siempre es positiva por supuesto sin pasarse para no quemarlas.

Esta es la actualización de esta semana, adicionalmente puedo decir que uno de los test que más he disfrutado en lo que respecta a las plantas que coseche este año, ha sido el de la White Widow, pienso que es una planta que me sienta muy bien, el detalle es que no tengo más semillas de esa genética pero tratare de localizarlas y adquirirlas nuevamente, espero que todos los que me leen esten disfrutando, cumpliendo parte de sus planes con la mejor de las vibras.

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The curators in this platform appear and disappear, I would like them to maintain constancy in our publications, just as we do the writers who leave quality writings every week, because maintaining the commitment should be mutual, in my antepenultimate publication I named the curators and I hope to do it again and I hope you can read this paragraph with attention.

Making demands for curation is not going to earn you curation in a community you are not even actively engaged with, which leads to your talk of mutual commitment. What mutual commitment are you even talking about? Responding to the writers who you do not engage with on their content?

Curation is not a guarantee and your lack of curation does not mean curators have disappeared. You post once a week and don't engage with the community who you expect to be glued to the screen watching for your post drop to submit it for curation.

There's short time windows for curation and sometimes the curators don't see a post in the window so the post can't be curated. If you post more you would increase your chances of getting curation more often, but your attitude of expecting it every single post is wrong, and even more wrong for you to demand consistency like curators work directly for you or something.. you have it very wrong and you'll find out with the lack of curation this post is about to get. Change your attitude and maybe engage with the community instead of perpetually complaining about the curators.

The crazy part is this is not even the first time this has been laid out to you (by multiple curators) due to your persistent complaints about not getting as much curation as you feel you should be getting and acting like the curators are your personal little workhorses sent to stare at the screen watching for your post.

No way, your attitude sucks, let's see how that works out for your curation goals.

The truth is that there is a lot of mistake in your answer, but you are human and we can not know everything, I have seen how you have been kind in my publications and I know it is not a mask, I do not publish just for the cure, it is part of what can be obtained, I publish nas because I like to grow, because if I did not grow I would have nothing to express on the subject of cannabis.

And that of persistent complaints, you have to understand that I have focused more on the publication as such in the long time that I have been telling my experiences of cultivation and not in the persistence as you mistakenly comment.

I don't want to argue or have a fight with you, because I know you are not a bad person and you are not being bad intentioned, but I don't like that you come like this as if nothing throwing accusations because it seems to me that you are like altered.

That vibe is in a strange sequence and the truth is, I think that one post a week is enough for me to update, because I have work and many other activities, so it is difficult to know what others do and that's why judging like that, for a paragraph I think it's the craziest part.