The Gelato is maturing and you can already notice the brown hairs and had been slow to show its maturity, perhaps because its flowering is longer unlike the 9 LB Hammer x Ignite and White Widow that I harvested weeks ago, which tomorrow will have 15 days in the curing process, the buds of the Gelato are growing visibly.
In my country it is becoming more and more evident that those who seize power are psychopaths who only care about staying there at all costs, so a man known as Erik Prince has already created a page to raise money to go militarily for the leaders of the Maduro regime and this man is not playing since he was one of those responsible for the capture of Bill Laden and many other operations that have been carried out globally, this is a double edged sword can be beneficial to stop the psychopaths of the regime in my country or it can also be complicated for innocent civilians, this is part of the situation.
Today I could better detail the plants in bloom because it was very good sunshine since early, also the heat has risen in recent weeks seems to be worldwide this heat wave, I removed some fabric fibers that have fallen in the buds perhaps by the wind and as the buds are sticky tend to accumulate these particles, fortunately I could see well by the bright sunlight and clean the area, likewise I will be inspecting the buds all these days taking advantage of the good weather.
The General Assembly of the United Nations is taking place and one of the main topics is the fraud and kidnapping of power in my country, it is very serious to observe how these miserable characters at the expense of the suffering of an entire country screw themselves in power without caring about the consequences, that is why many people bet that the only way out for these leeches is through military force and that is why they bet on the project of Erik Prince.
Growing is one of the activities that I enjoy the most, being in contact with nature through the plants and taking care of them, although sometimes it seems tedious it is a great way to escape from the daily routine, these days I made a pause with the cannabis therapy because I have little material left and the one I have harvested still lacks time in the healing process, also I think that the plant that is in bloom the Gelato is the one that will give me more and better production this season, so it is a necessary pause.
These last 2 weeks I have had little support from the curators who have an evident weight in their votes even though my publications maintain the quality, but they will know what the reasons are? anyway I enjoy writing for this community because we can share about this great activity that we do and that motivates in many ways.
I hope that everyone can be moving forward in their lives in some way and that we continue in this harmony of self-cultivation that every day makes us better people and great human beings in this cause that unites us.
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Actualización Floración Gelato y Syrup Auto: Batallando Frente a las Adversidades
La Gelato está madurando ya se notan los pelos marrones y había tardado en mostrar su madurez, quizás porque su floración es más larga a diferencia de la 9 LB Hammer x Ignite y White Widow que coseche hace semanas, las cuales mañana tendrán 15 días en el proceso de curación, los cogollos de la Gelato están creciendo visiblemente.
En mi país cada vez queda más en evidencia que los que secuestran el poder son unos psicópatas que solo les importa permanecer allí a toda costa, por ello surge desde Estados Unidos un señor conocido como Erik Prince quien ya ha creado una página para recaudar dinero para ir militarmente por los cabecillas del régimen de Maduro y este señor no está jugando ya que él fue uno de los responsables de la captura de Bill Laden y muchas otras operaciones que se han efectuado a nivel global, esto es un arma de doble filo puede ser beneficioso para detener a los psicópatas del régimen en mi país o puede resultar también complicado para civiles inocentes, esta es parte de la situación.
Hoy pude detallar mejor las plantas en floración porque hizo muy buen sol desde temprano, además el calor se ha elevado estas últimas semanas parece que es nivel mundial esta ola de calor, le quite algunas fibras de tela que han caído en los cogollos quizás por obra del viento y como los cogollos son pegajosos tienden a acumular estas partículas, afortunadamente pude ver bien por la radiante luz solar y limpiar el área, de igual forma estare inspeccionando los cogollos todo estos días aprovechando el buen tiempo.
Se está efectuando la asamblea general de las Naciones Unidas y uno de los temas principales es el fraude y secuestro del poder en mi país, es muy grave poder observar como esos personajes miserables a costilla del sufrimiento de todo un país se atornillan en el poder sin importarle las consecuencias, por eso mucha gente apuesta porque la única salida para esas sanguijuelas es través de la fuerza militar y por eso apuestan al proyecto de Erik Prince.
Cultivar es una de las actividades que más disfruto estar en contacto con la naturaleza a través de las plantas y cuidarlas, aunque a veces parezca tedioso es una gran forma de escape de la rutina diaria, estos días hice una pausa con la terapia cannabica porque ya me queda poco material y el que he cosechado aún le falta tiempo en el proceso de curación, además pienso que la planta que está en floracion la Gelato es la que me dara mayor y mejor producción esta temporada, así que es una pausa necesaria.
Estas 2 últimas semanas he tenido poco apoyo de los curadores que tienen un evidente peso en sus votos a pesar de que mis publicaciones mantienen la calidad, pero ellos sabrán cuáles son las razones? de igual forma disfruto escribiendo para esta comunidad porque podemos compartir sobre esta grandiosa actividad que realizamos y eso motiva de muchas formas.
Espero que todos puedan estar avanzando en sus vidas de alguna forma y que sigamos en esta sintonía del autocultivo que cada día nos hace mejores personas y grandiosos seres humanos en esta causa que nos une.
Fotos por agcoeficiente10
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Nice plant!
Thanks bro @ganjafarmer and what I read before growing it is that it has a powerful effect, you have to be careful with the first puffs.
What you say? Smoke lots of it at once? Sure thing.
Damnnnnnn if I'm not a follower of this guy I am now. Hahahahahahahaha!
I shit myself laughing. Hell yeah man.
Fucking blaze that shit!
"The best method to get the best psychedelic part of marijuana is to not smoke it for a month, then intake as much as possible in one day" Terrance McKenna
Yeah but not smoking anything for a month... Sheesh...
Having throat issues with smoking. I need to quit. But that needed weed...
So trying to cut down and space things out. Haven't been dry from weed in decades. More than a few days.
I don't smoke, I prefer vaporization, if you look in my previous publications you can read about the method I apply to enjoy the therapy with the plants, it's the best, plus you can perceive the authentic flavor of the buds.
And well sometimes I vaporize every day but then I realize that I have to take breaks to maintain a certain balance so that I can keep the material for longer.
But on Monday I will test the plants that tomorrow will be 15 days in the curing process, I will do a first test and then I will let them cure for a longer time.
Most definitely vaporization is best next to water pipes.
But I enjoy it all the same.
I'll look into your posts tomorrow for sure. :)
I take breaks as well. I don't smoke everyday just most days mainly for my back issues. Sometimes I'll just chew on the stems if I feel a bit anxiety.
As for curing, If I have a bunch, I'm satisfied with one small bud for the whole day. And gradually I'll start to make a dent into the jars and then change the into smaller jars to save space in my cupboards.
Most I've let them cure is 3 months straight. That seems to be peak for me. But every one to their own lol.
Thanks for replying!
Yeah I got one! They are pretty and can't wait to see how she does.
Think @cowboyblazerfan posted his grow of it...
That's good news then. More people are slowly waking up, questioning authority to some degree. It's a start.
One day there will be enough questioning them and they will fall in power. Once their deception is open to the public, all they have left is to be forceful. And those don't last long either.
Or maybe it's metallic strands from the chem trails. Quite plausible.
Or spider web or silk from worms could be too.
Nice plants BTW! Looking forward to seeing more.
No, they are particles of synthetic fabric and I checked in the photo of the cover is clearly seen, and already remove that material was on the terrace near something near the plants, I usually have the clinical eye and when I have doubts, investigate, so I took an eye all over the terrace, even came to think it was cat hair but no, it is what I mentioned.
I also helped myself with a magnifying glass to remove debris that was on the leaves, but in the morning if the weather is still good I will keep checking.
Yes, but in my country, it is crazy, since it is a narco-dictatorship, I imagine you have seen something in the news and as state terrorism has also been implemented, it is a really abnormal situation. where are you from? and how long have you been cultivating?
México and this will be my fourth full round in 3 years. Made many mistakes and in very low budget but hopefully this time will go much smoother.
If at the beginning it is usually like that, many mistakes are made, once you get the hang of it, study and learn what is necessary, everything flows automatically because you know what you have to do to bring healthy plants to all their life cycles, so you understand Spanish perfectly?
Pues, no perfecto pero suficiente. La gente de aquí lo luego saben que español no es mi primaria lenguaje aunque soy hispano. Toda la mayoría de mi vida en el chuko, so ya te lo sabes. Muy bonito vistas por todos lados. Ahorita solo buscando la paz.
Muchas gracias por los consejos. Soy "novice" aún.
Saludos de Aldama.