Hello, friends! I'm continuing to share photos from my late-November mushroom foraging trip to the Stary Sambir district. While the overall haul was rather modest—after half a day, my bucket wasn’t even halfway full (though, to be fair, my bucket is far from small; it’s a 20-liter one, double the size of the standard 10-liter bucket 😄). The weather was lovely that day, with great lighting, and the relative scarcity of mushrooms meant I didn’t have to rush. This gave me the chance to photograph all the mushrooms I found interesting, not just the edible ones or those I had time for (because when mushrooms are plentiful, my companions are always in a hurry 🫤). Still, I managed to capture a few excellent shots of porcini mushrooms (Boletus edulis), and I’m excited to share them with you! | Привіт, друзі! Я продовжую ділитися з вами світлинами зі своєї поїздки за грибами в Старосамбірський район, здійсненої наприкінці листопада. І хоча підсумковий результат з пошуку грибів був доволі скромний - за пів дня моє відро не було навіть заповнене наполовину (правда у мене зовсім немаленьке відро, а двадцятилітрове, вдвічі більше від стандартного 10-літрового 😄). Просто тоді була гарна погода і гарне освітлення, а те, що грибів було не надто багато, дозволило мені не так поспішати і фотографувати всі гриби, які я вважав цікавими, а не лише їстівні чи ті, на які у мене був час (бо коли є гриби, всі мої супутники завжди поспішають 🫤). Та все ж я зробив і кілька вдалих фотографій білих грибів (Boletus edulis). |
The mushroom looks to be quite large in size and it is an amazing discovery, have a nice day my brother.
Thank you for your kind words! 😊 Yes, it was indeed quite large and an exciting find. Mushrooms like this always remind me of how fascinating nature can be. Wishing you a wonderful day as well, my friend! 🌿🍄
Amazing find, my friend, the mountains there are like amazing, this is so cool😊
Thank you so much, my friend! 😊 The mountains here truly are breathtaking and make every adventure feel special. It’s a blessing to explore such beauty in nature. Hope you get to visit such amazing places too someday! 🏔️🍃
What beautiful photographs, beautiful mushrooms, it seems that October has not been so bad, since you found a good amount and you have found beautiful species
Have a beautiful weekendGood morning dear friend @yetaras
Good morning, dear friend! 🌞
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the photographs and the mushrooms – they truly make every walk feel like a treasure hunt. 🍄 October indeed turned out to be generous this year, with so many lovely finds and beautiful weather for exploring nature.
Wishing you a peaceful and joyful weekend too! 😊