"Depression" is one of the five stages of grief btw
It fuckin' sucks but it's necessary to move through the grieving process in full
It's also normal, healthy and totally acceptable despite western society not encouraging it or affording those in the process the time support or information to do it well
The quickest way out really is to sit with and feel it in full, rail, weep and share with people who aren't afraid of the dark
Until it has passed.
The fairies can wait. They're a good bunch and they're patient too.
The only way out is through.
But balance while you walk through because one can get stuck of course
This too shall pass. This too shall pass...
I lost my dog last Sunday. There's no value one can place on such things. No.
As much as there's no time one can place on the missing them to end.
Just be you. Even when it sucks eggs. ❤️