Como están mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFriday¨: Un concurso semanal apasionante, que te brinda la oportunidad de conocer hongos de todo el mundo Es increíble como ha pasado la semana, no se puede creer que hemos llegado al viernes, día en que acompaño a mi amigo @ewkaw en su maravilloso

Source: Family Álbum
How are my friends from this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFriday¨: An exciting weekly contest, giving you the chance to meet fungi from all over the world It's amazing how the week has gone by, you can't believe we've reached Friday, the day I'm joining my friend @ewkaw in his wonderful
Esta semana no ha sido una gran semana en cuestión de salud, por ese motivo varios días no he podido publicar. Como saben tengo una fuerte dolencia en el ¨nervio¨¨ciático¨, el dolor es tan intenso que no me he podido sentar para escribir, hoy lo estoy haciendo gracias que me aplique un inyectable que alivio un poco el dolor y tengo una faja en la ¨zona¨¨lumbar¨, también he podido salir a caminar y aproveche para pasar por el predio en busca de hongo, y como pueden ver encontramos una nueva variedad

Source: Family Álbum
This week has not been a great week in terms of health, for this reason I have not been able to post for several days. As you know I have a severe ailment in the ¨sciatic nerve¨, the pain is so intense that I have not been able to sit down to write, today I am doing it thanks to the fact that he gave me an injection that relieved the pain a little and I have a girdle on the ¨lumbar area¨, I have also been able to go for a walk and take the opportunity to go through the property in search of fungus, and as you can see we found a new variety
Mientras caminábamos no pude evitar ver esta hermosa variedad, al principio pensé que se trataba de un ¨hongo¨ ¨Polyporaceae¨: aunque su forma y su estructura aterciopelada me hizo cambiar de opinión y recurrir a ¨Google¨¨lens¨: la aplicación lo identifica con el nombre ¨Lingzhi¨¨mushroom¨: para ser honesto, no estoy convencido de que se trata de esta variedad, hay una ligera diferencia en la forma del hongo de la fotografía

Source: Family Álbum
While we were walking I couldn't help but see this beautiful variety, at first I thought it was a ¨mushroom¨ ¨Polyporaceae¨: although its shape and its velvety structure made me change my mind and resort to ¨Google¨¨lens¨: the application identifies it with the name ¨Lingzhi¨¨mushroom¨: to be honest, I'm not convinced that it is this variety, there is a slight difference in the shape of the mushroom from the photograph
Por su aspecto, estructura y forma, aunque no estoy totalmente seguro, yo diría que se trata de un hongo de la variedad ¨Auricularia¨: una variedad con muchas especies, y creo este hongo pertenece a una de ellas. Este tipo de hongo generalmente se desarrolla en maderas o troncos de árboles en descomposición, muy similar al ambiente en donde lo encontramos. Por su aspecto y textura no creo que sea un hongo comestible, tengo la impresión que cocinarlo llevara mucho tiempo

Source: Family Álbum
From its appearance, structure and shape, although I am not totally sure, I would say that it is a mushroom of the variety ¨Auricularia¨: a variety with many species, and I think this fungus belongs to one of them. This type of fungus generally develops on decaying wood or tree trunks, very similar to the environment where we find it. Due to its appearance and texture, I don't think it is an edible mushroom, I have the impression that cooking it will take a long time
Encontrar esta nueva variedad de hongo fue grandioso, nos sorprendimos con su forma cuando vimos la parte inferior. Hemos hecho varias tomas en diferentes posiciones con nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para ayudarlos a identificar a que tipo de hongo se trata, si hay alguien que lo conoce seria bueno que comparta la información

Source: Family Álbum
Finding this new variety of mushroom was great, we were surprised with its shape when we saw the underside. We have taken several shots in different positions with our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ to help you identify what type of fungus it is, if there is someone who knows it, it would be good to share the information

Source: vimeo-free-videos
Hello dear friends good morning
Thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my post.
I wish the whole team a great weekend.
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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @jlufer ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Several times I have also seen mushrooms like the ones you shared On this occasion and of course they are good mushrooms.
If it is a very beautiful variety of mushroom, both for its shape and its texture
Thank you very much for this pleasant visitHow are you dear friend @hattaarshavin
Mushrooms are a very dangerous food if you are not an expert. That's why I ask the experts about the mushrooms I find in nature.
you have to be very careful with wild mushrooms, if not fully aware it is better not to consume them
Thank you very much for your visit
cool shots and some of them I've never seen for the mushrooms you featured today...
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs
It's good to know that you have met a new variety of mushroomshello dear friend @ridor5301
Good morning! I hope you have a wonderful day!Wow, what a fungi you've gotten, @jlufer !
Thank you very much for appreciating my images
enjoy the weekendyes dear friend @silversaver888 this week we found a beautiful variety of mushrooms
Such great finds. They look fluffy, very velvety.
No idea which one it is either. Some do look so similar and again not.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a beautiful Friday further ☀️🍀So sorry to hear you couldn’t sit for a few days. Luckily it was better after the injection and you could even go out for a walk. Hope you will improve soon 🤞🏻🍀 I know it has been a long while already. Take care my friend @jlufer 🤗
It's true, it's been a while, and the worst thing is that I'm not getting better at all, on the contrary, the pain is getting worse.
enjoy the weekend I wholeheartedly appreciate your empathy, and the great support you always give me dear friend @littlebee4
So sorry to hear… I so hope you do find something that works for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🍀🍀
Sending a big hugg 🤗🤗
Enjoy your weekend too You are welcome @jlufer my friend. Wished I could take your pain away…