Como están mis amigos apasionados de esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFriday Summary¨: De haber sabido que la búsqueda de hongos fuera tan divertida, me hubiera unido hace mucho tiempo Antes de comenzar deseo agradecer a nuestro amigo @ewkaw por haber creado este magnífico lugar, en donde podemos compartir nuestras divertidas aventuras en la búsqueda de hongos; Feliz de contar con estas fotografías que me permite acompañar su gentil invitación a participar de esta genial iniciativa

Source: Family Álbum
How are my friends passionate about this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFriday Summary¨: If I'd known mushroom hunting was so much fun, I would have joined a long time ago Before we start I want to thank our friend @ewkaw for creating this wonderful place, where we can share our fun mushroom hunting adventures; Happy to have these photographs that allow me to accompany your kind invitation to participate in this great initiative
Tengo que admitir que hace tiempo que deseaba participar de esta iniciativa, no lo hacía porque no tengo conocimiento sobre ellos, hasta que me di cuenta, que si no me involucraba jamás aprendería de ellos; He estado leyendo algunos post durante las últimas semanas y me ha encantado todo el conocimiento que hay en la comunidad, y estoy seguro que pronto voy a incorporar conocimientos sobre este genial tema

Source: Family Álbum
I have to admit that I wanted to participate in this initiative for a long time, I did not do it because I have no knowledge about them, until I realized that if I did not get involved I would never learn from them; I've been reading some posts over the last few weeks and I've loved all the knowledge out there in the community, and I'm sure I'll be adding some knowledge to this cool topic soon
En el primer post les había comentado del gran predio que tenemos cerca de casa que es ideal para hacer una búsqueda de hongos; Como se pueden imaginar volvimos a ese hermoso lugar, y en esta oportunidad nos encontramos con el responsable de dar vida a los hongos que crecen en los estiércol. No estoy seguro si se trata de una variedad que sea comestibles, pero viendo su origen no me da mucho apetito, quizás sea delicioso, y su sabor no tenga nada que ver con su fuente de alimentación, aunque para ser honesto, me quedo con las dudas

Source: Family Álbum
In the first post I told you about the large farm that we have close to home that is ideal for searching for mushrooms; As you can imagine, we returned to that beautiful place, and this time we met the person responsible for giving life to the mushrooms that grow in the manure. I am not sure if it is an edible variety, but seeing its origin it does not give me much appetite, maybe it is delicious, and its flavor has nothing to do with its food source, although to be honest, I prefer the doubts
Esta es una variedad que despierta en mi dar un mordisco, al ver me hace pensar que se trata de una fruta disecada por su apariencia, me encantaría probar su sabor, tengo la sensación que será dulce, pero no me animo porque no sé si se trata de una variedad comestible, no vaya a ser una variedad venenosa y termino tirado en el suelo de este lugar, y s sucede, va a ser mi últimos post, ya que quien me va auxiliar en este grande predio

Source: Family Álbum
This is a variety that awakens in me to take a bite, seeing it makes me think that it is a dried fruit because of its appearance, I would love to taste its flavor, I have the feeling that it will be sweet , but I don't dare because I don't know if it is an edible variety, it is not going to be a poisonous variety and I end up lying on the ground in this place, and if it happens, it will be my last post, since who will help me in this large estate
Esta otra variedad que encontramos no despierta mi interés culinario en absoluto, no lo podría comer ni aunque fuera comestible, su aspecto es desagradable y no me hace pensar que fuera algo que desee comerlo, aunque muchas veces las paraciencias pueden engañar, y se trata de unos de los hongos más deliciosos; Pero no será en esta ocasión que me libere de la duda, no despierta ninguna sensación, ni deseo de comerlo

Source: Family Álbum
This other variety that we found does not arouse my culinary interest at all, I could not eat it even if it were edible, its appearance is unpleasant and it does not make me think that it was something that I wanted to eat, although many sometimes the parasciences can deceive, and it is one of the most delicious mushrooms; But it will not be on this occasion that I am freed from doubt, it does not arouse any sensation, nor desire to eat it
Disfrute mucho el paseo por el predio, además de encontrar estas variedades de hongos, pude ver muchas variedades de árboles que habitan en este gran terreno; Somos bendecidos al vivir cerca de este espacio verde; Estas bellas imágenes las tomamos con una cámara ¨NikonCOOLPIXB500¨

I really enjoyed the walk through the property, in addition to finding these varieties of mushrooms, I was able to see many varieties of trees that inhabit this large piece of land; We are blessed to live near this green space; We took these beautiful images with a ¨NikonCOOLPIXB500¨ camera

Source: vimeo-free-videos
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Ha! Better late than never :D
That first brown mushroom looks like Wood Ear and it is edible. But please, if you want to try it make sure. Better with someone local who knows it, has eaten it and is still alive :p
Great post!
Happy #Fungifriday :)
I intend to learn more about the subject, I have to find someone who is on the subject and can pass on their knowledge
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and your words
have a beautiful afternoonYes, we love going out to look for mushrooms, we like it because we can do it as a family, my granddaughter has a lot of fun dear friend @ewkaw
And the ones growing in the field on the manure.
Thanks for sharing, have a great evening!Such great finds @jlufer 😊 the first ones look really fragile.
thanks to you dear friend @littlebee4 for appreciating mushroom searches I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend
Thank you so much, have a wonderful weekend too.You are so welcome dear @jlufer 😊