I'm ok with mushrooms as long as they are not really taking over the yard.
I don't really think I have enough money put back to retire completely. If I "semi" retire, I suppose I would work at something part time. If I can't set my own hours, that might still interfere with my bedtime freedom. I am trying not to fret about it at all as things happen that resolve issues sometimes that I could never think up on my own, so I am having faith that something good will happen and I will live to actually get to retire one day while I can still be independent. It's a tall order, but many times, tall orders are filled, so my hope is for that.
I have resolved my other issue and moved my HBD to savings and claimed my interest. It seems there is some issue between peak that I use for posting and the hivesigner key thing. They stopped playing nice together long before the fork, so I ditched the hivesigner and have and changed to the peakd signer inner and once I did that, it all worked again..... well.... that part did, but like you, the fork has forked up a few things like loading my favorites and refusing to load a photo or two and the such, but maybe one day they will get all that back in line
The fork fixed and broke a few things. My hivesigner now works properly. Go figure! I am glad your issue got fixed, did you figure that out yourself? I would never have thought of the peakdsigner. Didn't even know there was one. Yikes!
At least I no longer have to backdoor my tips. 😮
You are absolutely right. Things have a way of resolving themselves without me even having to butt in. :) Life is good that way.
Different people suggested different things, but some fixes sounded beyond what I should attempt myself. Since it was letting me almost go where I needed, but was somehow skipping where I needed to enter my active key, it makes sense now that the two programs weren't playing nice together. It would tell me I needed my active key to complete, but then it went straight to "approve", which of course would not approve since no key had been entered. I can't tell you how many times I started over and over, just SURE I was missing where it should go.... but no.
I never tried another signer and for real, without going back and reading all the comments and then things you said, I thought maybe I should just try an alternate to my hivesigner in case it would be as simple as that and so when it was time for me to sign-over, I chose a different one than the hivesigner, set it up and signed in with it and the problem was gone. I clicked it like I should and when it was time to enter my key it actually gave me a place to do that and Vwa-LA !.... I was in. There are 5 or 6 choices that can be set up and used and for real I don't know how I chose to use hivesigner when all that first became available, but till a month or a little more ago, I never had any issue using it. I had moved my first HBD to savings with it and added more and claimed interest and everything..... never a problem, until it was. Who knew your signer-inner could break??
Not me.... but seems it did, so I simply won't use that one anymore.