This was a fun one! I liked the variety and creativity this week.
We got cookies.
We got figurines.
We got art.
We got tiny mushrooms and big mushrooms.
We got it all and it was simply awesome!
Besides that we also got a ton of shots of all kids of mushrooms and I counted a total of 34 correct entries. I decided to share the rewards among the special topic participants this week as there was 6 of you that decided to try something else :)
And now, here are the "Fungi not fungi" :)
In no particular order.
How to join #FungiFriday:
- when Friday comes (UTC time) post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, I will check and report stolen images or text!)
- add #FungiFriday tag (it doesn't have to be your first tag)
- Include "My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw" anywhere in your post.
Among all the correct entries I will pick the best, most interesting, most creative posts. Those will be included in the challenge Summary Post published during the weekend.
100% of the Summary Post payout will be split between the featured users.
To participate in this part, the post has to be published from the FungiFriday Community.
That's all for today.
See you all next Friday!

Wow so many entries 😁 and 6 for the topic 🥳🤩
Congratulations @akukamaruzzaman, @mipiano, @mirz, @gamessteam and @flamego 🎉🎉🥳🥳 great entries, loved reading them.
Thank you @ewkaw for the support 🤩😊🎉🎉💃🏻💃🏻
Congratulations to you too 🎉✌️😇
Thanks a lot 🥳🥳🤩🤩
you are welcome.
These days we need just umbrellas for rain 😂😂
Nada de sol y playa y parasoles 😂
Yes, large umbrellas ☔️ 🌂
Sun ☀️ where are you…….. 🤓 (yelling at the sun hahahaha)
Sun playing hide and seek with us :D
Definitely… haven’t seen it all day today 🌤⛅️🌥☁️
Yeaa.. I think we never had more. It was pretty cool! :D
Yes, it’s so cool to see 😎😁
You are welcome 😊
Aww, thank you Ewkaw for this Summary Post 🥳🥳
Yes, we got art, figurines, cookies, parasols and other not mushroom objects but as well we got a lot of fun 😊
Yep, it was a good Friday! :)
You need to bake more ;)
just for good reasons :))
Thank you @ewkaw for this special place. congrats to everyone :)
Thanks for participating :)
This was serious Friday!
May I get a cookie, while admiring? :p
Of course, it's coming your way right now 🍪🍪🍪
But where were you?
I was sure we would see an entry from you 😉
I have excuse 😂, last days I had a serious mission (wrote about that)
Also had idea, but I'll have to save it for the next time. 🙃
Oh, I saw that post.
Well, excuses accepted :D
I'm loving all the variations people are coming up with. Great work everyone.
Very beautiful variety and creativity, I really like it
wow, congrats guys, all of you idea is awesome. I like it very much.
I never realised that there were so many different things we could do with mushrooms!
Fascinating exploration indeed !LUV
(2/3) gave you LUV.
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