FungiFriday - Two beautiful and cute little mushrooms

in FungiFridaylast year


This is my contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw

As usual, today I have prepared two types of beautiful & cute little mushrooms to participate in the FungiFriday edition on December 15 2023. I found the two mushrooms I shared in different locations & times. The first small mushroom is a fungus that grows between moss plants. This fungus grows under oil palm trees in shady and damp conditions which is the main trigger for the growth of the fungus.

The small size of the mushroom made it difficult for me to photograph it, coupled with the lack of light because it was under a shady palm oil tree so I had to move this beautiful mushroom to another place. This beautiful red mushroom is a mushroom in the Hygrocybe genus.

"Hygrocybe is a genus of agarics (gill fungi) in the family Hygrophoraceae." Wikipedia




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Then I found the second beautiful little mushroom growing under a cocoa tree, this genus of Marasmius mushroom even grows on cocoa leaves that are starting to rot. And what's more interesting is that this fungus grows in large numbers on one leaf, this is what caught my attention so I decided to photograph this fungus. And I have uploaded some of the photos below, I hope you like some of them. :)





CameraSmartphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationTanah Luas, Indonesia

Your mushroom picture is perfect. I like number three

I love the knowledge you have to edit the photographs, they are always really beautiful

Have a beautiful morning What beautiful varieties you have found, dear friend @alexa-macro, thank you very much for letting us know these beautiful photographs.

This is a very beautiful macro image, I love the image you shared

Very beautiful mushrooms and nice photography.

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